Chapter 6- Alex

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Chapter 6: Alex P.H. Sequel

      Casey laid in my arms. I knew how this would end, I'd always see this scene in my dreams, over, and over, and over again. Every night ever since her death, I was tortured and pained with it.  I saw this dream several times that I knew this dream word for word.

                 I stared at Casey.  Her eyes were red, and her cheeks were swollen.  I felt a gulp in my throat.  I hated seeing her this way.  Even if I had seen this dream so many times, I was never going to get used to her in this condition. Ever and never will.

              "Noah?" Casey whispered.  Her voice was beautiful, smooth, and yet somehow shaky.  I knew what was coming.  I knew what she was going to do next.  I knew that Casey would die in my arms any minute now.

             I waited for the 'thank you' that slipped through her beautiful red lips in every single dream to come, but it never did. I was shocked when I didn't hear it.  The timing in this dream was so off. It startled me. Unlike any of my past dreams, something  terribly wrong slipped out of her mouth. "I'm sorry."

      I furrowed my eyebrows and before my eyes could even widen I felt a horrifying pain rush through me.  My heart.  My heart was the only thing I could think of.

       I glanced down at my chest and there was a red fluid smeared on my shirt.  Where my heart belonged, was a knife--my knife. I looked up at Casey bewildered.  She simply glanced down at the floor.

         The only way the blade could've made it's way into my heart was-was-if someone had done it.  It couldn't have just stabbed me by itself.  Someone who did it---someone was Casey.  Casey had dug the knife into my heart. She plunged me with the knife. Casey had killed me. I couldn't feel the pain of the dagger, but I knew it was there, it was just subsided behind the shock and confusion in me right now.

      The dark red color was spreading and it was wetting my whole shirt. "Casey?" I whispered my voice shaking, scared. For some reason I felt as if the world around us was getting darker, and darker, until all I could see was her---Casey.

       She got up and looked down at me, her eyes full of fire. This was a different Casey, not my Casey.  She couldn't have this side to her, she can't be this person. Then something hit me, was this how Casey saw me in the visions she used to get? Was Casey questioning herself the same thing I was asking myself now? Was this how she felt?

        Then she said something that changed my thinking entirely,

   "our fate doesn't have to stay the same, it can change..."


      I walked throughout my house angerly. I was so angry.  How could she kill me?! I thought she loved me! 

      I stomped my way to the shelf with empty jars, that I used to store my victims' hearts with for later use.

        I looked at one specific one that read:

Casey, the love of my life.

      I picked up the jar, without thinking, and threw it on the ground, watching the glass shatter and fly all over the place. I felt my heart shatter with it. This wasn't right! Nothing was right anymore! How could Casey kill me?! She's supposed to kill herself! I never killed her! So, how in the world could she kill me! How?

      I wasn't thinking, or maybe I was, just in the wrong way.  Maybe I should be telling myself that this is just a dream, that it wasn't real. But I couldn't, my brain couldn't allow the fact that she had killed me.

       I knew I would never throw something so sacred to me, like the jar, and shatter it to pieces, if this didn't happen, if I never had this dream, and if I was thinking more rationally.

    I fell to the ground and crumbled into a ball, shaking ferociously. I was crying--tears flowed down my cheeks and to the ground. Never in my whole life have I been so scared---Never.  This was all wrong, ALL WRONG.  I kept talking to myself, shaking ferosiously, and just staring at nothing.  My brain wasn't functioning, it was I was paralyzed by the fact that I had been killed in  my dream--not only killed, but killed by my lover, Casey. 

      I let my eyes drift a couple of feet away from my shaking hands, which were tight in a ball.

      I noticed a piece of glass with a "C" on it written in sharpie just beside me.  I reached for it my hand trembling wildly.  I took it and looked at it intensely.

    How could you Casey? How could you leave me?

    How could you kill me?

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