Chapter 2- Mona

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Chapter 2 – Mona

            Today was the first day of school! I was walking into school with a wide smile on my face ready to face school with a positive attitude.  My parents would always tell me not to do drugs, but obviously I would never do them because I was an absolutely, positively happy person…no not what you’re thinking.

            Kids were walking around with other kids and as I walked I heard bits and pieces of their conversations.  Some were chatting about hating that school had started, others were reminiscing about some teacher, and another group of girls were talking about a cute guy down the block. Welcome back, I told myself smirking.

            I took a look at my schedule. S.S.  I had always hated history, so I don’t think it was a smart idea to make it first period, when I’m still sleeping. Everyone knew I was probably the sleepiest person in school!

            BW20 is what the paper had said, but instead I was at BE40.  Two whole years at this school and I still didn’t know my way around.  I silently laughed at myself.  

           Two girls walking past me, noticed my extra happy face and gave me strange looks; but I just raised my eyebrows and pursed my lips at them showing them that I really didn’t care.  Becuase I really didn't--plus I enjoyed freaking out people. I was also known for my creepy facial expressions--hehe.

           As they walked away I let out a loud laugh that echoed through the halls and had all eyes on me.

            My school was a giant rectangular building, so the halls were rectangular.  So all I had to do was walk the big circle—all the way to the other side that is. It wasn't as simple as you think it is. That circle was a whole 400 Meter; so like a track field.  I lowered my head in disappoint, like that I’d be lat—the bell rang—and I was late.

*********      **********

            “Why are you late Ms. Mona?” asked my teacher.  “Isn’t a good impression on your first day a’ school,  is it Ms. Mona?” he said almost puffing out air in my face.

   “I got lost.”

    “That’s a real nice excuse Ms. Mona, you’re not a freshman.”

          I looked at my schedule to search for this guy’s name. “Sorry Mr. Cherry-shev?”I said scrunching my nose as I pronounced the name.  The students in the class started chuckling. Then Mr.Cherry looked at me angrily. 

  “Go take your seat young lady!” he said. I looked at him confused, how was I supposed to know where I sat if it was the first day of school? “ugh! There!” he pointed to an empty seat near a girl who was slumped over her desk.  She had extremely long brown hair, and her bangs fell onto her eyes and all I could see was her right one.  Her right eye looked terribly tired.  She had bags under her eyes, and the mascara on her face had smeared around her face as if she had been crying.  “Next to Melissa.”

            I slowly walked to the empty desk, trying to avoid the backpacks sprawled all over the walk way.  Wouldn’t want to trip and humiliate myself in front of a new crowd I thought to myself. I had to make friends.

          I took a seat next to the “sad” girl, Melissa.  Reaching into my bag, I pulled out my new notiebook and a new crisp pencil--Which hadn't been ever used.  I wrote the heading and sat silently staring at Mr. Cherry.  In the begining I was understanding his words; but not even after five minutes his words started to blurr and I didn't understand anything.  I was listening to him but not listening to him.  I was watching him but not seeing him.  I did that a lot when I got bored.

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