What I'm confused about.

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1. When I pray I don't know whether to say Lord,Jesus Or God when I was still young my family taught me mostly about God and not Jesus(only a little bit) looking at how Jesus is at the New Testament. In the olden days people knew God until the New Testament came out which consist of how Jesus died for us and other stories.

2. I know that Jesus died for us reason being is because he knew God had sent him into the world for one reason: To become the complete and final sacrifice for our sins. I've been hearing this from instagram and other social media platforms that God created himself as Jesus,came to earth and did what he did( I just feel like everyone has an opinion but state your opinions based on facts). All I know is that Jesus died for us.

3. The Lilith story, it's interesting and a lot seem to believe in it. I don't know about y'all but why come out now, a lot of bible scriptures were taken out because they lacked apostolic or prophetic authorship, they did not claim to be the word of God they contained of unbiblical concepts such as  prayer for the dead in 2 Macc. 12:45-46 or have some serious historical inaccuracies. These books were never authoritative,inspired or authentically written by either the Jewish prophets or the christian apostles. ( I believe some of these books were taken out by certain people because they don't want the world knowing more than what we know now about God and spiritual stuff and that they wanted to keep all those books to themselves not because the book is full but out of selfishness)

4. The Adam, Eve and serpent story. How they had eaten the apple but instead the devil had sex, with Eve so they had to change the story so when kids read they understand what is being said. The serpent had sex with Eve and that is how God had punished them. (?)

5. Before God had punished Adam,Eve and the serpent. Did snakes  have legs and arms because God had said " because you have done this, cursed are you above all livestock and above all beats of the field on your belly you shall go and dust you shall eat all the days of your life" you will find it in Genesis chapter 3 verse 14.

There's more I'm confused about but that's a story for another day.

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