Theme Song

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Heyo! Fourth wall smashing time! No! No! Leave the gorilla glue, duct tape, and bubblegum there. Imma use that later.
So, a bit ago, I wrote Diandra a part for the Miraculous Ladybug theme song.
I could have just posted the lyrics and be done with it, but nooooo, my stupid brain had to come up with something extra.
If you wanna see that convo, it'll be at the bottom. Enjoy!
PS, prepare to see some sleep-deprived action.
PPS, if you want to just see the song, scroll to the very bottom, the rest is a weird story.

Origin/My P.O.V
I looked at the small clock in my room. 12:00.

Yes, time to do some sleep-deprivation-induced crud!

I jumped off my bed and prepared to throw my phone on the floor, but stopped, having a thought.

Should I really be doing this? This is super extravagant. And I haven't slept good in, what, a week? I should be sleeping. I glanced at my bed. Nah. Sleep can wait one more night.

I threw my phone on the floor and my portal sprung up. Fully preparing to look like an idiot, I leaped through, ending up in Miss Bustier's class in less than a second.

The whole class froze, staring at me. I looked up, seeing literally everyone staring at me, including the teacher.

For a brief second, I wondered if they were reacting to the bags under my eyes, but then I realized, "No, idiot. You just jumped out of a portal in the middle of class. They're not staring at you because you look like death warmed over...wait, that might be a factor, too..."

Also, the viking/medieval-ish clothes and sword on my back might not have exactly been the most normal thing this class has seen.

"Um... hi," I tried, trying to ignore the panic rising in my throat. "Uuuhhhhh......."

I trailed off, not knowing what to do before remembering my light-sucking portal. I waved my hand, making it disappear, not even looking at it.

"What the heck?" Diandra asked, loudly.

I stopped myself from laughing like a maniac. What? I've gotta do something when I'm nervous.

"Uuuuhhhh.... ANYWAY. Dang, now I sound mental. O-kay!" I went from non-verbal to talk-your-ears-off chatty in a second. "Um, there's no, easy or non-weird way to say this, so I'm just gonna do the one speaking thing I'm good at: being blunt as heck. You all are about to be kidnapped! Holy, crud that sounded freakin' weird! Uh, don't worry, people, I'm not a maniac or crazy! I'm just sleep deprived so bare with me!"

Everyone was still staring at me like I was crazy. Or like I had two heads. Whatever. Wait, not everyone.

"Hey! You three! Jeez, that sounded weird. Get your butts back here! I'm not akumatized! Do you see a crazy outfit or me calling myself a weird name? No. Well, crazy outfit, I guess so, but ignore that!"

Adrien, Marinette, and Diandra, who had been trying to slip away sat back down in their seats.

"Ooookkkaayyyy, let's just jump into it. And because I am sleep deprived, this is definitely going to be interesting for y'all. Here we go!"

I clapped my hands three times and the floor turned into a large portal at the same time the seats disappeared. Everyone screamed as they fell. Not me. I laughed, probably sounding crazy.

We reappeared in a large, light grey room with a small stage in the corner. Well, everyone but Miss Bustier. She's back in the show.

I landed on the stage while everyone else followed a second later, falling up from the floor. Everyone groaned as they got up.

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