The White Pegasi

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Swiftwings’ P.O.V
  I knew it! I freaking knew Sunbeam wasn’t going to be bonded to the hero! I just wasn’t expecting it to be me.

  Okay, I got some things to explain. Well… more like a lot.

  First of all, there’s a world full of pegasi. I’ve been told that we’re just like humans with things like math, jobs, homes, governments, all that boring stuff.

  There’s a few things that make us different, though. The most obvious, would be that we’re far more majestic than them, the second would be that we have four legs, a tail, and wings.

  Okay, enough with this boring stuff, on to the interesting bits. We’re taught from a young age that there are heroes in another world. Heroes that use magic jewels called Miraculous to save people and protect.

  We learn that there’s one special Miraculous that connects our world with theirs. It gives a person the special power to open a portal and bring one of us to them to assist.

  Each person that is destined to get that Miraculous is bonded to a pegasus in this world. They can only be a certain type of pegasus, however.

  You see, pegasi come in all different colors. Sure, we come in the colors of regular horses, but other than that, it’s completely common to find someone with vibrant pink fur, or gold wings.

  There are only a few, though, who are born with the color white. Only the few pegasi who are born with white have a chance to be bonded with the Pegasus Hero, and I am one of those few.

  See, it’s a big deal when someone is born with white coloring. For hundreds of years, not a single pegasus has been white. Not until a few years ago.

  Sunbeam was the first, then Snowflake, then Cloudracer, then Majestic, then finally, me.

  Sunbeam, being born first, was thought to be the one the hero would be bonded to. I mean, look at him!

  He was mostly white with a gold mane and tail, shiny, black tipped flight feathers, and black socks.

  When you get past his colors, you’d notice that other than his attitude, everything about him screamed heroic.

  He was a fast and strong flyer, a fast runner, and over all, a pretty fit young stallion. I knew he wasn’t going to be the one, though, because what kind of hero would be bonded to someone who’s self absorbed, bratty, cocky, and completely annoying?

  Snowflake was a different story, not just personality wise.

  Not only was she the second foal born with white, she was pretty much all white. White fur, mane, tail, and wings. She had little, very light blue spots all over her body, her mane and tail were tipped that same shade, and she had little spots of that same color on her wings.

  She looked like a snowflake.

  That wasn’t it. If snowflakes had a personality, it would be her’s, too. She was shy and a little jumpy, but brave nonetheless.

  She definitely wasn’t strong, but what she lacked in strength, she made up for in speed. She was light and lean, allowing her to practically float in the sky. See? Snowflake.

  Oh, and before I forget, she’s the best at hide and seek!

  She was a possibility, but no one really thought that she would be the one.

  After her, there was Cloudracer. His looks matched his name, but definitely not him.

  His fur and wings were actually blue like the sky. His mane and tail were white and he had some patches of white on his fur and wings like clouds. Add the white socks, and he looked like he might as well have been born in the sky.

  Although, everyone was quite shocked to see that he didn’t like flying. He stayed on the ground as much as he could and became basically a horse with wings.

  A very brightly colored horse.

  Because of all his running, he quickly became the strongest pegasus I know. Just like me, he’s pretty sarcastic and competitive, but unlike me, he wasn’t the best with conflict. We hang out a lot.

  Everyone agreed that he was a strong possibility, but how useful would a pegasus be if they didn’t fly?

  Then, there’s Majestic. She was born a year before me. Majestic’s her name for two reasons.

  Reason one: she comes from a rich and fancy family.

  Reason two: She seriously looks majestic.

  She was all white with detailed gold designs. Well, as detailed as nature could get. Gold fur snaked in a line around her legs from her hooves to her stomach. She had a gold, star-shaped strip on her face and each feather was tipped gold. Finally, instead of brown eyes like most pegasi, she had bright green eyes.

  Personality wise, she was definitely different from her snobby family. She was bright and easy to get along with.

  Majestic is basically the definition of book smarts. She could take classes for pegasi twice our age and had better memory than an elephant!

  She looked special and was the smartest out of the possibilities, but everyone thought that she wouldn’t be the best in action.

  Then finally, there’s me.

  Me, who has the pattern and colors of a regular horse.

  Me, who is the fastest out of the five, but falls asleep in class.

  Me, who mocks the teachers behind their backs and throws mud at random pegasi in a crowd.

  Me who is loud and outspoken at all the wrong times and gets hurt doing the stupidest things.

  (I swear, that porcupine wasn’t there a second ago!)

  Me who gets picked on by Sunbeam and gets revenge by racing him and winning every time and putting frogs and skunks on him while he’s sleeping.

  The minute everyone got a good feel of my personality, they basically cut me out of the possibilities.

  She’s too young and immature, They said. She never takes anything seriously. She’s fast but that’s it. She’s not brave, or stealthy, or strong, or smart. She just looks and acts like a common horse.

  I thought of all that when I turned out to be the pegasus the hero was bonded to.

  I am Swiftwings, filly of Westwind and Earthworm. I am the first Chosen One in hundreds of years.

  I am the one bonded to Pégase Blanche, the greatest holder of the White Pegasus Miraculous, and I’m gonna make sure everyone knows that I am good enough-- that my kin and I are good enough --to save the world.

Okay! This was... something I did! I originally wanted to do a clip of Swiftwings returning home to brag to Sunbeam ('cause we all know she did), but it turned into basically an introduction to the pegasus world. Hope you enjoyed it!

Oh, and by the way, remember “Reflectdoll”? You know how the heroes switch Miraculous? Well, I have a plan for who gets what and which pegasus to use, but I want y’all’s opinion.

Do you want to keep Lady Noire or Mister Bug?

Which pegasus do you think I will/should use?

Origin out!

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