Chapter 8 Izuku's childhood pt 1

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(Warning this will be very dark)

(Flashback) (Izuku's POV)(hint Izuku's is 7)

I was sleeping on the ground when my dad threw a vase at my head. "Get the fuck up you useless piece of shit!"

I got up and yelled, "I'm up!' 

Then my dad slapped me yelling "Don't you dare talkback! You are only going to be a weapon nothing else." I kept quiet then my dad smiled "Good now time for you to get to training" 

he took me to the beach and stood on me and yelled "Now do 1,000 push-ups and do it while I am standing on you!"I after those push up and went home.

I walked to my mom and I asked her "what's for dinner?" Then my mom had a crazy look on her eyes and ripped my eyes out of my eye socket. I yelled "What the fuck?! I can't see shit!"

My dad walked in and yelled "What the fuck Inko don't you dare ruin my weapon that is the only reason why I wanted a child. When my weapon is completed I will become to best weapon maker on the planet!"

My mom yelled "Asahi! Izuku is not a weapon!" 

Then I felt something hit me and I blacked out. 

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