Chapter 4 Confronting

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(Momo Yaoyorozu POV)

I walked to Todoroki's dorm. I knocked on the door. Todoroki opened the door and asked, "Hey Yaoyorozu what do you want?"

I asked, "Can I come in?"

Todoroki replied, "Sure come on in." I walked in and Todoroki asked, "Do you need something?"

I asked, "Yes I have a favor to ask you."

Todoroki replied, "Sure what is it?"

I answered, "Leave Izuku alone!"

Todoroki yelled, "Why I like you and Izuku is an obstacle in my way!"

I created a chain and tied Todoroki up and I yelled: "You leave Izuku alone I like him not you!"

Todoroki was in shock I united the chain and left. I whispered to myself "Does Izuku like me?"

Bakugo appeared right behind me "Hey Ponytail!" I turned around.

I asked, "What."

Bakugo replied, "I know you like Deku so just leave him alone he is nothing but a pathetic orphan!"

I asked, "Why should I believe you."

Bakugo replied, "Just ask him yourself."

I slapped him across the face and I yelled "Leave him alone!" Before I left I kicked him in the crotch.

Bakugo fell to the ground I left while he was in tears of pain.

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