Always There For You

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By August, just enough time had passed for Hermione's stomach to round a little more. Shopping in Diagon Alley, she would often see old school mates and others that she knew. Although Hermione's middle had gained a few pounds, it was not always obvious that she was pregnant, and she found it amusing when she caught these people staring at her stomach as they tried to decide whether or not it was appropriate to comment.

It was one of these kinds of afternoons that Hermione came across her mother-in-law stocking up on ingredients that looked like they might be used to make some kind of a home-remedy. They stayed chatting for a few minutes, unconcerned about the passing time until Mrs Weasley mentioned Hermione's parents.

"I told Arthur to get rid of that blasted thing – telephone, I think it's called – but now I almost wish I hadn't. I might have used it to contact your mother and father once in awhile, just for a quick chat. How are they going, dear?"

This struck Hermione dumb for a moment. It had made her realise that she really had no idea about how her parents were. She had not written to them, or indeed telephoned them, in several weeks.

"They're fine...busy I expect. I've also been working late...haven't really had the chance to chat with them for too long," Hermione stammered out.

Molly swiftly patted her daughter-in-law on the shoulder.

"Don't go working too hard, dear. You have to think about what's best for the baby. Will we be seeing you on Sunday for lunch?"

"Sure, Molly. Fred and I will be there around eleven-thirty, if that's alright with you?"

"Of course! Now, I won't hold you up for any longer dear. You get on with your shopping, and I'll see you on Sunday. Send my love to Fred."

"I will," replied Hermione, as she gave Molly a perfunctory hug, slightly distracted by the thoughts that their conversations had instigated. She quickly made a mental note to chat with her mother, at least, before the end of the day.

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