Molly and Lucy

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Hermione could not help but thank her lucky stars that magic was a part of her life with Fred.

One of them was sure to have ended up murdered by the other, if magic had not been interjected at various points when it came to decorating the spare bedroom of their flat to resemble a baby's nursery.

Fred had wanted to put together the cot properly, that is, the muggle way. However, he had also adamantly refused to read the instructions that came with it. Apparently, they were "useless". However, a the dangerous mixture of Hermione's hormones and Fred's inexperience did not seem to blend well, and soon an argument was taking shape starting with a mild 'what-piece-joins-to-this-one' before escalating to a full-blown, "well,-it's-not-my-fault-that-I'm-pregnant-you-did -half-the-work".

Finally, Hermione asked Fred to help her stand up from where she was sitting cross-legged on the floor, so that she could retrieve her wand. In a grand total of three seconds, the cot stood completely assembled before them; and Hermione was standing with a smug look on her face.

Fred however got his revenge when it was time to paint the room.

Hermione wanted to paint the room without magic, as she had done it before with some success. However, she had not taken into account a very pregnant, protruding stomach region. Therefore, Fred was standing with a very self-satisfied expression on his face after he had set the paintbrushes to work on their own. However, this lasted only as long as it took Hermione to swipe a wet paintbrush across his face, and poke her tongue out in retaliation.

Although Hermione had absolutely refused to have a baby shower, she noticed that her family and friends could not help but pop in every so often with a "little something" they couldn't resist and just had to buy for the baby. The drawers in the baby's dresser were slowly becoming rather full, but even Hermione had to admit that she was grateful for their generosity. If nothing else, it saved her time when she did not have to go shopping for baby clothes, blankets, bottles and all the other necessary tools apparently required to raise a baby correctly.

Whilst the summer had been deliciously warm at some points, the air was now much cooler when Hermione rose out of bed in the morning now that cooler weather was approaching.

However, Autumn was not the only thing which was approaching. Dee's due date was speeding closer and closer, and to Hermione she seemed more enormous than any pregnant woman she had ever seen before. She knew this was because she was carrying double the regular load, but her protruding stomach was simply astonishing.

Over a quick coffee date one Saturday morning, Dee told Hermione how she could already tell a lot about the personality of her babies. One of them seemed to be rather mellow and reserved, whilst the other was always ready for action. The quiet one was very much a morning person, according to Dee, as it could be felt gently kicking at her diaphragm at five-thirty every morning. The other baby was very much a night-owl and had a habit of pounding on her bladder late at night, making sleep almost impossible.

"At least I'll have one who a bit more chilled out," said Dee to Hermione before taking a sip of her latte.

"Can you really tell what the baby's personality will be like?" asked Hermione, astounded that she had not thought of it herself earlier.

"Well, yes. I like to think so, anyway," replied Dee, chuckling at Hermione's simultaneously shocked and annoyed expression. "What has your little one been like?"

Hermione thought back over the last couple of months where the baby had started to move around a lot more. Was the baby quiet? Or was her son slightly more obnoxious and 'loud'?

"Hmmm, it's a bit difficult to say, actually. It really varies depending on the day, and also how I'm feeling. I have to remember to calm down a bit more, because I think that the baby picks up on my emotions. When I'm stressed, he's more active. When I'm calm, he's calm. Not all the time, obviously, but I would say that's the general pattern."

"Perhaps that's a bit of a hint to 'take a chill pill' as my brother used to say," chuckled Dee. "You're still working at the Ministry, aren't you?"

Hermione nodded as she took a sip of her coffee.

"But only for a little while longer. I might spend the majority of the day sitting at my desk, but that doesn't stop my feet and hands from swelling. How are you coping being pregnant with twins? Surely, there is not that much longer until they are born."

"Mhmm," replied Dee with a nod. "Just a little over a week until the doctor wants to deliver them. He says it's safer for me to deliver them slightly earlier because they are twins. It was rather funny at my last appointment. He asked me what date I would like their birthday to be on!"

Hermione chuckled, but also thought ahead to her own due date. Her son was due to be born around Christmas time. She and Fred would begin the New Year as a proper little family. It was a thought that both terrified and excited her.

"Hermione?...Hermione, are you okay?"

Dee's voice startled Hermione out of her reverie.

"Hmm, yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking about some stuff, it wasn't all that important. Actually, do you and Percy have any names picked out yet?"

Dee rolled her eyes at this slightly, but it was by no means in reference to Hermione's question, it was simply Dee's way of venting her frustration on the topic.

"Let's just say that Perce and I are lucky that we can pick a name each. There is no way in the world that we would be able to settle on just one name for one baby."

"He he, I guess Fred and I are not the only ones having trouble in that department," Hermione giggled, as she took another sip of her hot drink. "I keep trying to think of serious names that we could actually use, whilst he suggests something as silly as Argus or Godric".

Hermione crossed her arms over her chest in frustration; Dee on the other hand snorted into her drink and had to use several napkins to clean the beige stain on her white coat.

"Could you just imagine a Godric Weasley being called out by the sorting hat at Hogwarts? Now that would be funny."

Hermione indulged herself with a small smile, knowing that Fred didn't mean any harm with his light-heartedness; however, the baby's birth was a little over a month away, and Hermione was not accustomed to feeling disorganised. Not having a name for the baby made her feel incredibly disorganised.

"Anyway, I've got to get going," said Dee, standing up using her chair as a kind of support frame as she re-established her centre of gravity. "I've promised Percy that I won't stay out for too long now that the babies are due so soon. Give my love to Fred!"

Giving Hermione a quick goodbye hug, she toddled off down the street towards the Leaky Cauldron where she would be able to escape into Muggle London.

It was only a matter of days before Hermione and Fred received a small, but thoroughly embellished card via owl post. Hermione immediately recognised the small, neat script of Percy announcing the recent arrival of Molly Georgiana and Lucy Magdalena Weasley.

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