The Big Day

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This week was an important day for Biggy Norris and the rest of the Norris Nuts. Today they were going to fly to America to meet Biggy's crush, Txunamy! Biggy had been waiting for this day for ages, so he made sure that he was going real nice for Txunamy, cause he knew he wouldn't be seeing her for again for a long time. He packed his best looking suit and packed so much cologne that you could smell him from a mile away! Then they left the house and drove to the airport. The Norris Nuts were so excited to go to America!! Except Sockie, of course. They stopped to get some food at the airport, then headed straight onto the plane. In about 15 hours, the Norris Nuts got to America. They took a taxi to their multi thousand dollar hotel room, and settled their for the night.

The next morning the Biggy took a long relaxing shower and put on his suit and cologne. Today he actually brushed his hair! But it was a little hard 🤣 They head out to McDonald's first, and ate some food. Then they went over to Txunamy's house to surprise her. (She didn't know he was coming by the way) When they got to her house, they hid the car and Biggy walked up to the front door with flowers in his hand. He was very very nervous, and almost chickened out. But, he gathered up his courage and knocked on the door. Txunamy opened the door, and when she saw him she almost fainted! Her jaw dropped, and her heart started racing. They hugged for about a minute, and then started talking. Txunamy was in disbelief. They decided that they were going to go on their first date.

Biggy x Txunamy (Kinda)Where stories live. Discover now