The Date

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Biggy and Txunamy had decided to go to the park for their date, so they hopped in the Norris Nut's car, and they went to the park. The other Norris Nut's decided to let them 2 be together for the date, and they went over to do something else for the day. Biggy and Txunamy were both very nervous to finally see each other, but Txunamy handled it well. Biggy on the other hand, he had uncontrollable farts.. that's embarrassing! Txunamy just pretended she never heard it- or smelled it aha 😅

They sat down, and chatted for a few minutes until Txunamy said she was going to go to the bathroom. She walked off to the bathroom and Biggy sat their just thinking to himself. "Wow," He thought, "I can't believe I'm actually here.. I can't believe I'm actually seeing Txunamy here in front of me!" He got so lost in thought he started to pick his nose, and he didn't even notice Txunamy coming back!! Txunamy thought it was a little gross, but she shrugged it off. She sat back down and Biggy placed his arm around hers, rubbing his germ infested fingers all over her arm. She tried not to gag, instead she tried to get the conversation going again, "So," She said, "How'd you manage to get over here.. y'know... with Covid and all." "Well, since we're so famous, they just let us in haha!" Biggy replied. Txunamy noticed he was extremely nervous, his hands were shaking and he couldn't stop farting. "Umm, do you need to go to the bathroom too?" She said, with a little bit of disgust. "yeah.. sorry." Biggy said as he walked off while each time he took another step he farted. 

"Pull yourself together, Biggy!" He said to himself while he looked in the mirror. He kept talking to himself, but then he heard a couple of turds drop in the stalls behind him. He had never noticed there was someone in the stalls listening to him while he was talking to him!! He was very embarrassed, and had to get out of there as soon as possible. When he came out of the bathroom, he noticed that he didn't actually use the bathroom, and had the urge to poo!! He was very worried, but he shrugged it off and told himself he would poop later. He walked back over to Txunamy and said "How about we take a little walk?" "Sure." Txunamy said. 

They walked for a little bit, and they stopped at a very private place, filled with trees and bushes, where nobody could see them. "So, I wanted to ask you a question" Biggy asked, as he blushed. "Would you maybe wanna be my girlfriend..?" His heart was racing. "Well.. After today I guess I've seen the real you." Txunamy said to him, "I can't think of anything I would like-" Before she could finish her sentence, Biggy interrupted her with his screeches, that made her ears bleed. He started jumping up and down, and I guess got too excited, cause he started having diarrhea. The smell of cologne and pure poo filled the air, and he stopped jumping and got a little red. "You didn't let me finish, idiot. I was going to say, I can't think of anything I would like less. You're disgusting, Biggy. I never wanna talk to you again." Txunamy said. Biggy's heart was shattered as he watched the love of his life just walk away. He dropped down on his knees and started screaming and crying. His family heard his loud high pitched screams and immediately drove over.

He got in the car and they drove back to the airport. Biggy was so sad, he was depressed, broken even! He didn't talk to anyone for the whole rest of the week, he barely ate, he just slept. But eventually he got over it.

The End.

Biggy x Txunamy (Kinda)Where stories live. Discover now