Chapter 7. In trouble

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(background art by MintFlaw (Sandra))

If someone from the future had told me that this day had ever happened, I would never have believed them.

It started well, as it does every day at L'Apple. Everyone looked happy when I was walking around and nothing bad happened. Until that one moment. I was meeting Doc, Liz , Liv and Door in one place but something was wrong. Doc was acting weird, aggressive, different than usually. Others were hiding while I could see a wave appear and everyone ended up underwater.
I glitched out of there and as I saw that everyone were drowning I glitched and teleported everyone out of water before they lost their breaths. I was in pain because of a lot of energy that I had to use to teleport everyone but more important for me was to make sure that everyone are safe and not hurt. In meantime I could see Doc running from us and Liz chasing 'em. I was worried but I stayed with the rest to make sure they are fine. 

When I Liv asked where is Doc I tried to tp to them but I could not do that. Doc was somewhere else... They were not at L'Apple. I tried to glitch to find Doc but I was still to weak to do it. Door and Liv tried to stop me because they realized that I was hurting myself. Eventually, I was able to glitch and teleport to the Void. From there I was able to teleport to the place where was Doc. 

I appeared on the mountain and when I turned around I could see Doc lying on the ground.

"Doc? DOC!" I screamed and as I was about to crouch next to them, Doc got up and started running away from me. I was chasing them for a moment, Doc could move really fast in the river and I was not able to glitch fast enough to catch them. We both slipped on the rocks. Doc felt fine when my arm was injured but I didn't pay attention to it as I was happy I finally caught them.

At first I was paying attention only to Doc but then I looked around and was confused. I've never been to this place but I could tell I recognize it. 

"Welcome to Pogtopia" Doc said while turning face to me.

I was shocked. I didn't expect us to be this far away from L'Apple. I jumped at Doc and tried to convince them to come back to L'Apple with me but Doc was really stubborn. We argued for a while but Doc wann't going to give up... So I did. I decided to leave Doc as they wanted it. I hugged Doc and glitch back to the Void and from there I teleported straight to where Liv was.

I glitched and fall at Liv. Liv got up and together with Door helped me. I didn't want to be a problem for them, but they were stubborn to help with my injuries that appeared in effect of glitches. I was really tired and sleepy. I wanted to teleport back home but Door stopped me and helped me go home. I wanted to tell them what happened to Doc but I didn't even get a chance. I decided to do that next day. I promised myself I would go back to Doc and make sure everything is fine... But I could not find them.


Two days later I teleported to the area where I saw Doc last time. I wandered around, looking for any sign of Doc being there. I went to the old Pogtopian ravine, looking through the place, but I could not find Doc. I tried to teleport to the void to sense where Doc might be, but they were way to far away or in a place where I somehow couldn't teleport to. I tried to find them every day... until I gave up...





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