Chase and run!

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Barbie's POV

David began to drive really fast.

Cassandra glanced at the back.

"Everyone, heads down!" she yelled.

The next thing I knew was that I heard a sound glass shattering.

They were shooting at us!

I kept my head down.

Then I glanced at the right side to see one of those black cars right beside us.

Then I looked at the left to see another black car.

"David, we're having a problem here!" I stated.

"Shoot!" David muttered.

My eyes were widened as I saw one of the men pushed something under our car.

"David, watch out!" Cassandra exclaimed.

But then I heard a loud sound of explosion from under the car.

Our car was lifted up and then it turned over.

I tried to get up.

I gasped in horror as I saw the gas spilling.

I tried to open the door but there was no avail.

The next thing I knew was that I saw flames.

I tried to kick the door open.

I had only a few minutes to get out.

I kicked harder.

Finally the door was opened.

I got out quickly.

I saw David trying to open the door to the passenger seat.

"Barbie! Cassandra is still in there," David yelled.

I gasped as I ran over to him trying to help him.

After pulling nearly twenty times, we finally managed to open the door.

Cassandra was unconscious so I grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the car.

"Barbie! Quick!" David exclaimed.

I realized what he was worried about.

We ran as far as we could from the car.

Then I heard a loud sound of explosion and we were pushed forward.

I fell down.

I looked back at the car.
It was literally destroyed.

I looked back at David.

He seemed upset.

"David, is everything okay?" I asked worriedly.

"That car was my birthday gift from my dad," he replied sadly.

"Okay, let's get out of here," Cassandra said.

We ran as fast as we could.

"I hate to break it up to you, but does anyone know where we are?" David asked.

I looked around.

But a few miles away there was a huge tree.

"Yes, we're back at Willows," I replied as I pointed to the tree, "that's Willows first tree."

Cassandra and David glanced at each other.

"Sure, let's go," David replied.

We headed towards the town.

Barbie in secret Roberts legacyWhere stories live. Discover now