episode 1🧃

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you wake up to someome shaking you lightly "wake up y/n" the person says you realise who it is when you wake up "tobiiii" you hug him and he hugs you back "hey y/n , are you alright youve been active a bit weird recently" he says with a low tone in his voice "honestly im doing alright i could be better but im fine" you say with confidence in your voice even though your not fine at all.

"you know you can talk to me right i wouldnt tell any of the other boys and you know that" he hugs me while saying it "yeah of course ill talk to you anytime i need to" you consider it and decide yeah that next time i feel like cutting im gonna go talk to tobi "y/n why dont u come down for breakfast" he says sweetly "oh no thanks i cant eat breakfast it un settles my stomach" you say softly speaking
"urm alright well ill let you do whatever you do" he kisses your forehead and you just melt "see you tobs" he turns around "tobs?" he says with a smile "yeah im gonna start calling you tobs" you say with a smile "alright thats cool" he says and continues to walk out shutting the door behind him.

Tobi's POV
he thinks to himself i think she might have a eating disorder but i dont wanna pressure her by asking her he continues to walk downstairs into the kitchen where all the boys were
"morning tobi" ethan says with a huge smile tobi loved ethans smile it just gave him happiness
"hey ethan how you been doing recently" i say with a polite smile
"alright had a couple bits n bobs on my mind but apart from that im great what about you" he says quickly "im alright and ethan do you wanna talk about it or are you all good?" tobi says sweetly tobi is tough on the outside but on the inside not at all "urm yesh sure how about we go up to my room and talk about it" ethan speaks smoothly as we walk upstairs he shuts the door behind him and flops onto the bed "so ethan whats been bothering you" tobi flops down next to him "i think y/n has went back to her old self but isnt trying to show it" ethan says sadly and low so no one else hears "sorry to ask her old ways" he asks confused "she used to have an eating disorder and used to cut herself i just worry about her doing it all over again" ethan days with tears flowing "awk ethan come here" tobi says with his arms open  i hug ethan and rub his back it's obvious he needed to get this off his chest so why not let him "sorry for crying on you tobi" ethan sniffles "hey its alright im here for you down worry" i say softly "will you keep an extra eye on y/n for me" ethan says "yes of course i will" i say and we both wall out and we split i head to y/n room while ethan heads downstairs.

your POV
you hear a nock at the door
you walk out of your bathroom
"who is it" you ask from outside the bathroom "its me tobi" tobi says softly "come in but im in the bathroom getting changed so stay in my room" you say loud enough for him to hear you " alright" he says softly and flops on your bed "tobs" you say quietly "yes y/n" he says "close your eyes i forgot to get a top and need to come out" you say embarrassed "okay eyes are closed" he says softly you walk out trying your best to be quick so he doesn't see any cuts or anything you didnt really care if he seen you with no top on but jt was just your cuts you were scared of "im done you can turn around now" tobi turns around and pats the seat next to him "sit" he says softly you sit down next to him and he pulls you close to him and hugs you "whats this for" you say "you look like you need a hug" he says softly "i do" you hug into tobi while he rocks back and forth with you in his arms "tobs if i told you something you wouldnt tell the boys right?" you say unsure "no i wouldn't so tell me whats up" you take your top off to show tobi your arms "y/n baby no why did u never tell me" he says softly to comfort you "i didnt want to im sorry"  you say low "put your top back on come cuddle me" tobi says and gives you back your top
you get into bed next to him and cuddle up beside him while he talks to you with a soft voice to comfort you "y/n will you promise me youll never do it again" "i cant promise tobs"you say sadly "well thats okay but at least try for me" he says softly "yeah ill try" he looks down at you smiling you like up and smile you look at his brown eyes his perfect brown eyes you scan his face loving every single part of his face "y/n you want pizza" ethan asks as he walks in "oh tobi your in here as well" he says surprised "yes ethan and before you say anything its not like that" you say annoyed " y/n get up a second" he says "i cant i'm too comfy" you say not wanting Ethan to see your cuts
"please y/n" he says with a soft smile you look at tobi about to cry and he just hand you his hoodie and you put it on "there im up" you say pissed off "great now your gonna eat pizza lets go" he says and pulls you along with him "urm i think not now get off me" you say and cross your arms.

i fell in love with him<3// a tobi brown fanficWhere stories live. Discover now