episode 6🧃

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i wake up and y/n is next to me the blanket not on her "im awake if your wandering" she says and turns round to face me "good morning" she says and taps my nose "i love you y/n" i say and kiss her "i love you too" she lays on my chest and i hold her close
"im gonna get a shower soon" i say and kiss her "can i join you" she says and looks at me "only if your comfortable with it" i say.

you and tobi get into the shower
"let me wash your hair" he says and looks at me "better do it properly" i say to him "dont worry i will" he gets shampoo and starts washing my hair "that feels good" you say and he smiles "only the best for my baby" he says and starts washing it out "i like the fact you havent commented on my body" "i have respect thats why" "thats what i love about you" "one question though" she looks up "why are there fresh cuts on your legs baby" he says and spins me around "promise not to tell" you say and look up at him "i promise baby" "last night emma came into my room and pinned me onto the bed she said stay away from ethan i said hes my
brother then she said youd date him anyway you worthless slut and i just felt like those words were true then i did it last night" tobi pulls you into a hug and kisses your neck making you shiver he starts to kiss further down your neck until he reaches your chest he asks for permission to move to your stomach he kisses down he stops just before your kitty he gets back up putting his hands on your hips being careful were he places his hand he pulls you towards him and kisses you you kiss back enjoying every second "that wasnt too much was it" tobi asks as you turn round to face him "it was fine i like the fact you stopped at the right places" he smiles "can i touch your cuts for a second" you nod and he runs his fingers along each one kissing each one you admire as he does it loving him for being so nice and not judging you at all he stands back up staring into your eyes he puts his hands under you arms dragging his hands slowly down stopping at your hips you give him permission to continue he drags his hand down to your legs and back up again he kisses you passionately and yous pull away for air "ill be back" he goes and locks the bedroom door and comes snd gets you "jump" you jump up onto him and yous go back to your bedroom yous dry off and tobi is im his boxers and your in your bra and nickers tobi lays down and you lay down on his chest you legs either side of his hips "we need to shower together more often" you say and look at tobi "i agree i love washing your hair not gonna lie" he says and laughs "my favourite part is when you were kissing my cuts" he smiles and kisses your chest leaving marks on your chest you kiss his jaw line leaving little kisses all the way down "im not ready to do anything yet tobi" you say sadly "i know and its okay no rush at all you know i dont want you for that and i want you for you not sex and your body, i mean your body is amazing but i want you for you" "that was really cute" you say to him him you straddle him with your head on his chest his hands resting on your bum "i think im ready to tell jj and ethan about my cuts" "then get some clothes on and we will call them in" you put shorts on not to worried about a top "ill text them hold on" you say and text them
y/n🤍💎: hey jj can u come to my room please and bring ethan with you
bestie💸:alright we are on our way x
you hear a nock on your door  "come in" the boys come in "sit now" they both sit down
"look at my arms and my legs" they look and both pull you into a hug "y/n hunny why didnt u tell me" jj says as he looks at you "same with me" ethan says
"i told tobi a couple days ago and i wasnt ready to tell you guys yet" you say shakily "its okay dont worry we are both here for you" jj says and ethan nods ethan pulls tobi out "thank you tobi mate" ethan says "your welcome and just to let you know her leg ones were dine last night from emma but say nothing" tobi says they stay outside and tobi tells ethen while you and jj talk inside
jj hugs you "im here for you y/n" jj says "you can tell all the other boys but tell them not to mention it or point it our or ask anything" i say and jj nods "hey y/n promise me youll not do it again" jj says calmly "no promises" you hug jj "also you might wanna put a top on" " jj you know i dont care your my best mate and ethan is my brother and tobis my boyfriend its fine" "right well top on around the other boys" jj says and pushes me "alright fine ill put a top on" you put on a sidemen top and sit back down.

i fell in love with him<3// a tobi brown fanficWhere stories live. Discover now