Chapter 1

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Late June, the world bloomed, golden sunshine filled the days, the sky a turquoise blue, LA busy as ever with tourists all over the place.

A warm wind blew through Eden's strawberry red locks as she made her way to work on a busy Tuesday morning.

Clouds covered the sky; a summer thunder was rolling in over the city. The tops of skyscrapers were drowning in the dark clouds gathering densely above.

Calm before the thunder was settled down on the streets of Los Angeles, draughts of warm, soft wind would pick up from now and then as the sun was slowly blocked out of view by the thick blanket of overcast.

The young girl wooshed by buildings and parks; pedestrians yelled at her for going so fast on her electric scooter. She threw in a quick sorry and kept on rushing through the streets, trying to get to work as quickly as possible.

Her destination wasn't far at all, but she somehow managed to get lost on her way, probably because she rushed out of her apartment building, already late, and neglected reading the names of the streets, trusting her memory to get her to her desired location.

She did, in fact, know the way, but in a rush, she took one wrong turn, not paying attention to the streets' names and completely missed where she was going.

Now going in the right direction, speeding down the pavements on her scooter, Eden Syre spotted the decorative sign of the Amber Salon.

Her face lit up as she pulled up, parked her vehicle on the inside of the gate, and closed it behind her.

"Clara!" Eden panted as she rushed through the door into the salon. Clara was currently doing a client's nails, "You're lucky Mrs. Anderson isn't here yet; she'd be furious."

Ah yes, the clients here were often less than pleasant if they were kept waiting; it rarely happened, though, and both Eden and Clara were extremely talented; therefore, the customers left satisfied most of the time.

Eden took off her coat and hung it in the closet near the entrance. The phone rang, and she went to pick it up, it was Mrs. Anderson with terrible news, informing the girl that she was stuck in traffic and couldn't make it. Eden rescheduled the lady's appointment and sat down in a lounge in the salon's back, to enjoy her break in peace.

Not five minutes later, Eden found herself rushing over to the ringing phone as a mysterious certain someone waited on the other line.

"Eden Syre, Amber Salon, Los Angeles, what can I help you with?" she talked in a welcoming tone,

"Um, hello," the voice spoke up.

The girl couldn't help but realize how soothing and angelic it was,

"I would like to make an appointment," the voice continued,

"Of course, when would you like to schedule it?" Eden asked, reaching into a drawer and pulling out a calendar.

"This might be a little weird, but I wanted to get my hair done on Sunday, this week," the voice blabbered,

"Sorry ma'am, I'm afraid we don't take in clients on Sundays,"

"What if I pay extra? Having the salon empty except for the hairstylist would be ideal,"

"We'd be able to arrange that,"

"Oh, thank god,"

"Your name, miss?"

"Uh, could you please just write me down as 'B'?"

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