Chapter 2

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Wednesday rolled around; Eden was on her way back from work. She had sent Billie her address, and it turns out they live quite close to each other.

She made her way home per usual on her electric scooter and, per usual, had to flip off some creepy catcallers.

With Billie on her mind, she began cleaning up a bit around the apartment; by cleaning, I mean shoving things into random drawers, so everything appeared less messy.

After everything was kind of cleaned up, Eden took a shower herself, shaved (just in case), and got ready to face Billie.

Speaking of Billie, she was having quite the attention from her family,

"So, you're going out with someone, huh?" Finneas teased,

"Yeah, going to a friend's house," Billie responded, brushing through her hair with her hands, flattening it down,

"A friend?" he kept on going,

"Yes, a friend," Billie rolled her eyes,

"Ah, Finneas, you know Billie will tell us everything when she gets back, won't you?" Maggie, Billie's mom, hugged her from behind tightly,

"I'll fill you in on everything. Not sure y'all will want to know everything," Billie winked, freeing herself from her mother's embrace,

"Well, you sure as hell have to tell me," Zoe, Billie's best friend, spoke through the phone,

"How could I not?" Billie chuckled.

Soon enough, she was in her black Dodge Challenger, making her way over to Tori's apartment through the busy streets of Los Angeles.

billie °-°

on my way :)

eden :)

i'm waiting

Not a long while later, Eden was running down the stairs from her bedroom as Billie knocked on her door.

"Hi!" Eden beamed at the beautiful girl in front of her,

"Hello there, pretty mama," she joked and went in for a hug, her hands wrapping tightly around Eden's waist, "Ugh, so good to see you. Finneas wouldn't shut up about our da-" Billie paused, "Our meeting."

Eden giggled, "Were you about to say date?" she teased,

"Shut the fuck up," Billie punched her arm lightly,

"Come in then, madame," she laughed and moved out of the way to let the girl in.

Billie took off her coat and hat, revealing her grassy roots,

"Syre?" Billie called out as she followed Eden inside,

"Hm?" she turned around to face her.

Not seconds later, Eden felt the wall pressed against her back as Billie had her pushed up against it. She leaned in and kissed her lips fiercely, leaving no space between them.

She pulled away breathless,

"This is definitely a date," Billie whispered, her lips brushing against Eden's.

She leaned in closer, pecked Eden's lips sightly, and pulled away, walking into her apartment; such a fucking tease.

Billie flew back onto the couch,

"So, are you gonna suck my dick now?" she looked Eden dead in the eyes and burst out laughing at her shocked face, "Calm down, Eddy, I'm kidding," she wiped the tear which collected on her cheek from how hard she laughed,

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