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"When will evening come again, i need more sleep!" I groaned as I threw my long legs from bed. I sat there for about five minutes with my eyes closed.

"Come on Kate, you have been doing the same thing for the last two years. What is with you and sleep? we need to be ready on time." Eve complained.

This had been a daily occurrence for the last two years. Eve and I become best-friends since the day we joined college, we were roommates and were also majoring on the same course,Travel and Tourism.Today was the day we had been waiting and preparing for for the last few weeks, our first interview. The school management organized internships for the grandaunt, all we had to do was show up and ace the interview.

" We have to get ready if we want to get there on time. can you please do fast and complain less today?" Eve asked as she headed for the bathroom.I jumped made small steps towards the bathroom, it was a normal occurrence for the us to shower together. We conserved water,electricity and also time. After a quick but thorough shower, we were officially dressed and headed downstairs to the cafeteria to have breakfast. our college provided all three meals as long as you lived in the hostels.

By seven thirty, we all boarded a van that was to ferry different students to their respective places of interview.To our much luck, Eve and I landed the same firm; West-comm Enterprises. It was not a travel firm but they had a travel department. It was a big firm that it needed a travel department to take care off the ticket and hotel bookings for their staff because they had offices all over the world.

"I am sorry I was not watching where am going!" the sexiest voice I have ever heard on the world said as a hand came to my focus. I was toppled on the floor and this piercing green eyes were gaping into my boring brown orbs.

"Are you okay Kate?" Eve's voice pulled me from my mind and I took the hand that had been stretched to me. The angel who had knocked me down pulled me flush against his body and I felt shivers all over my body which made me shuffle away from him fast.

"Sorry sir! its all my fault, I was admiring this enormous building. I should have been minding my step." I said. Although I was rendered breathless by his beauty I did not falter in my speech.
"It's okay Miss, are you okay?" He sounded so concerned.
"Yes am good I think...we have to get going or we will be late for an interview somewhere in this building, sir? Can I ask for the directions to West-comm enterprises?" We didn't know which floor it was located and when I say this place is big.He chuckled.
" Miss, this whole building is West-comm enterprises." He said as if it that obvious. Eve closed my mouth since it was hanging open... How can one own a whole building for just one company?
"How then do we navigate to where the interview is taking place? I don't even know who to ask for!" I questioned.
"You can ask the receptionist to direct you.Hey Mary do you mind escorting this two ladies to the human resource office, I understand they have a scheduled interview." He turned to a beautiful lady by the entrance behind a desk who I had not even seen before, was that desk there five minutes ago? I couldn't tell.
" Of course Mister Mennoti. This way ladies." Mary led us to the elevator which I had no idea was there. It was a glass elevator so you could see people busy doing whatever it is they were doing as we rode up. When we came to the fifteenth floor the elevator chimed and opened up to a clear area. No desk or person was visible. There were about four doors, two on each side.
"This are are our meeting rooms, your interview will be conducted in hall four, the human resource manager will be with you shortly. You may wait here" Mary said as she ushered us into a hall. It was big enough to host more than twenty people.After sitting down, Mary left after wishing us luck.
"Mr. Mennoti is hot!" Eve exclaimed
"Eve... There might be cameras here you can't say that out loud. Not that am disagreeing with you but not the time!" I don't know why but my nerves were getting the best of me.
"Relax Kate, we got this! On Monday we are going to report to West-comm enterprises as the new interns. You wait and see." I don't know what I would do without Eve in my life. She is my greatest motivator. As I went to thank Eve for always being there, my phone vibrated in my purse, Since the interviewer was not here I decided to check the massage.
It was just my uncle wishing me a good morning, he never does that. As I went to respond his call came through.
"Good morning Uncle? Am in an interview I will..."I was cut short by a sniffle from the other end.
" What is wrong?" I asked.
"Am sorry. Am so sorry I don't know how to tell you this but I have to. Katherine your moth...you need to come home right now!" He sounded so defeated.
"What is wrong? Am about to start an interview, can it wait?" I was hoping it could.
" What am trying to say is you need to come home now, your mother... She is not OK...?"
"What is wrong with Mom? I spoke to her yesterday and she was fine. Is she in the hospital? Is she sick? What happened?" All bad scenarios were running through my mind as tears started blocking my vision.
"What is wrong with Mom Em?" Eve questioned as she grabbed my phone and put it on speaker.
"She is dead."
Darkness swallowed me.

Author's note.
Hey guys 😊

My first story here. I hope i will get love and reads.

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You will get to meet the characters soon.

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