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Hongbin sighs as Leo is squishing his cheeks.

he glanced over at the other members rubbing their faces because of Leo squishing their faces.

He turns his attention back to Leo.

Leo squeaks but sees Hongbin's face is all red, and he looks around at the members.

Leo scrambled for the first aid kit.

He grabs it and rushes back.

He gets out the witch hazel and some bandaids.

He tips the witch hazel so it'll go on the cotton balls. He cleans off the scratches on their cheeks and puts mini bandaids over the sore scratches.

Leo plops onto his tush and looks at the other members. "weo ish sowwy..."

They immediately pull him into a hug and comfort him.

"Little Leo needs to be more careful with hyungies. Okay?" Hongbin said.

Leo nods and continues hugging them.

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