빅스 - Day at the pool pt.1

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Day at the poolWith빅스ft

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Day at the pool
ft. Baby leo

Today was a bright, sunny and beautiful day before N nagged at everyone.
Leo quietly sips his coffee and listens to N drone on and on.
"We need to get outside more! And smell the roses!"
Ravi and Leo quietly sip their coffee, and try to stay awake.
N turns to Leo and Ravi. "You two need to stop pulling all nighters!"
Leo just nods sleepily, too tired to argue and Ravi nods sleepily.
N sighd, "Today we are going to the pool!"
he hears a kittenish yawn and looks at Leo. "tiwed..." he sees Leo's tiny pout and sighs. "Baby doesn't have to go in the pool. Just has to put his feet in. Okay?"
Leo makes grabby hands at N, who then carefully picks him up, and pokes Leo's tummy causing a small indent. He stops and Leo's tummy goes back to normal. "You need food in your tummy, not just coffee."
He makes breakfast for everyone while keeping an eye on Leo who is seated on the counter.
Ken stretches and sighs,
"N hyung, it's like 89 degrees outside..."
N rolls his eyes at Ken whining and he pokes Leo in the tummy again.
Leo giggles at the feeling.
Hongbin walks over and picks up Leo and carries him to the dining room table and sets him down.

A few minutes later, everyone is seated and eating breakfast.

Part 2 they go to the pool.


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