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"Hello dear cousin," Keir grinned maliciously, "It's been a while. Look at all the effort I made to get you to visit me."

Adamo raised an eyebrow, "Kidnapping? This is a little too theatrical, Keir. Even for you."

"Theatrical, but necessary," Keir tilted his head, "especially considering the situation at home."


Adamo felt the blood drain out of his face, out of the corner of his eye he saw Ilsa look at him with surprise, but he knew as much as she did. He was hoping this could be solved diplomatically and by remaining calm but Keir was playing some very unexpected cards. He hadn't heard of anything happening back at Aprirsa, he'd hoped his father or brother would have sent a message if anything of significance had occurred while he was away.

"Oh Adamo," Keir, voice sympathetic, adopted a mock pitying expression. "Have you not heard? The king is becoming weak, people are beginning to lose faith and where is his heir? Playing physician. Aprirsa needs a strong ruler and lets be honest-"

He raised his palms upwards,

"You aren't one."

"Oh shut up," Ilsa scoffed, "You aren't a better ruler than Adamo in any way. To solve this stupid family dispute your course of action was to get a witch, who charges way too much, to murder your cousin and then you ran away to this place and kidnapped three people. Not very diplomatic or kingly."

Adamo stared, he was not expecting that. He'd never seen Ilsa get that worked up, her usually preferring to stay quiet while Adamo did the talking. So much for remaining calm. His cousin on the other hand, seemed amused.

"You want diplomacy?" Keir's eyes glittered dangerously as he nodded to Esadore who swiftly opened the opposite cell and dragged out, none too kindly, Rosina. Esadore's wicked looking dagger pressed to her neck. From behind him, Ilsa swore quietly.

"I'll give you diplomacy." Keir addressed Ilsa, "Let's make a deal. You go to Aprirsa and tell the king that Adamo isn't suited for the throne, so that he crowns me his heir instead. Or I tell Esadore here that we no longer have any use for your friend."

No. No no no. Adamo's hands begin to tremble and he knew Keir could see his fear and anger that caused tears to well up behind his eyes. Keir smiled.

Pascal stepped forward and unlocked the cell door. Keir lazily examined a nail as this occurred, he had the upper hand and he knew it.

"Pascal will escort you out of town so that you may give my uncle the good news," Keir drawled, "and remember, one tiny step out of line and I'll have Pascal drag you back here to wipe the girl's blood off the concrete."


True to his cousin's word, Pascal lead Adamo and Ilsa back through the town, his longsword visibly at his side, a constant reminder of Keir's threat. The man had shoved a map into Ilsa's hands as they'd left.

Adamo was still in shock, Rosina was being held hostage and there was nothing he or Ilsa could do, aside from hand over power to Keir. He might as well gift wrap the damn crown. Ilsa looked equally as distressed, having been dragged into a conflict that had nothing to do with her or the kingdom that she lived in.

Perhaps if Adamo had told his father at the start about his indifference to ruling, then at least only he would face the consequences, not his friends or his kingdom.

A nudge to his arm interrupted his thoughts. He looked over at Ilsa who looked somewhat confused and concerned.

Ilsa spoke in a low voice, "Have you seen the townspeople?"

Adamo gave her a confused glance, they had way more concerning things going on right now than what some random people were doing. He looked anyway at the surrounding people and their reaction to Ilsa and Adamo being lead out at sword point, or rather, lack of it. Everyone around them gave absolutely no sign that there was anything wrong at all. In fact, Adamo might have assumed they'd been turned invisible or something if the occasional person gave them a cheery wave as they passed.

Adamo breathed "What the-"

"Thats about enough talking for now." Pascal interrupted as they left the town and began approaching the lake. The glittering, blue lake. A fake serenity that was echoed amongst the people of the town.

Pascal stopped at the edge of it, "Go. Remember Keir's promise."

Adamo paused but at the harsh look in Pascal's eyes he began walking back up the hill. The light from the setting sun reflecting off the tears gathering in Ilsa's eyes that she'd been holding back, Adamo knew she'd been trying to stay strong even as he grew upset.

They trekked over the top of the hill and faced the forest before them, growing darker and more ominous as the sun went down. Adamo sucked in a breath and entered the outskirts of the forest, Ilsa close behind him.

Trees loomed above them, limbs reaching out as if to strangle its neighbours. Adamo and Ilsa trudged through the undergrowth, occasionally tripping over the stray branch. The oppressive silence stretched out between them as they walked on.

Finally, Ilsa broke the silence. "I think we should find a place to sleep for tonight. Tomorrow we need to gather more supplies, I'll look at the map and see where the nearest town is. Other then that one, of course."

The two of them found a small clearing where they tried their best to make themselves comfortable and when it grew too dark to see, Adamo squeezed his eyes shut and tried his best to fall asleep quickly.


It was still dark when Adamo woke suddenly. He turned, confused and blinked to make sense of his surroundings. As he woke he become aware of hyperventilating. Ilsa.

He made his way over and he could see from the tiny slivers of moonlight Ilsa's wore a pained expression as she twitched almost violently. He knelt down and placed a hand on her arm.

"Ilsa. Ilsa wake up."

With a sudden gasp, her eyes shot open and she turned to the side, with quick, short breaths.

"Are you-" Adamo started, concern probably written all over his face.

"I'm fine." Ilsa sat up, rubbing what looked like tears from her eyes.

Adamo pursed his lips, feeling that he should follow up with her, but he knew from experience that Ilsa was not going to share and would become annoyed with more questions. As he lay down to try fall back asleep, he glanced over at Ilsa again. Her silhouette hard to discern from the numerous trees in the background. She had her knees hugged close to her chest. With a frustrated sigh, Adamo rolled over. Hoping for peaceful sleep.

[Hope u enjoyed. Sorry its a bit short. A comment would make my day. Love u.]

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