Blades, but not as many as I hoped

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Look, I gave up on dramatic chapter titles but this is cool I guess. This is shorter than normal but that's cause I wrote 500 words then gave up for a few weeks then wrote the rest of it. I hope the five people [edit: three people] who read this enjoy. Have a good day.


To Rosina's relief, she didn't have to see Adamo for the rest of the day as he and Theodore were busy with the tournament. She was consumed with the fear that he would tell someone that she was a sorcerer and then she would be sent to the dungeons (again) and be given the death sentence and then she would be killed without ever learning how to turn water to alcohol. That would be truly tragic.

"I'm sure he won't. He didn't yell at you for spilling a bowl of soup on him. He's a nice person." 

Rosina gave Ilsa a frustrated look, "Spilling soup on someone and having illegal magic is two very different things."

It had been a tiring day. They had gotten almost three hours of sleep and now had to attend a loud tournament while making sure that no one noticed that Theodore had switched places with Adamo. Despite her exhaustion and current predicament of having a prince know about her illegal magic, Rosina was excited for the tournament. She hadn't been to one despite living in the city for a good number of years and was curious as to what all the fuss was about, even if it was a couple of men hitting each other with sticks.

After the events of last night, Ilsa had told Rosina all about the plot behind the poultice and the sorceress Kalma. The two of them were now heading down to the competition to cheer on Theodore and observe the tournament.

"You know we have to confront him at some time, right?" Ilsa reminded her, "he might know who Keir is."

"Yes, unfortunately," grumbled Rosina.

They headed out towards the green, where the knight's training grounds had been transformed into a make-shift arena, which still looked pretty impressive. A swarm of nobles and knights were preparing for the competition, next to a few tents, which Rosina and Ilsa headed towards.

"Okay, it'll be fine. I know it will be." Ilsa said in a comforting manner.

"Ugh I guess. It could also be bad. Lets find out when my death sentence is."

This comment caused Ilsa to laugh loudly, using this break in the conversation, Rosina entered the nearest tent to see Theodore and Adamo talking together, presumably discussing the tournament. She noticed that Theodore avoided eye contact, preferring to focus on a couple of bugs that were in the corner of the tent, but seemed to be interested in what Adamo had to say.

"You two ready?" Ilsa cheerfully asked.

"Yes I think so, my father was upset I wouldn't be in the competition but understood that I needed to go on the 'mission'." Theodore responded in a similar tone.

A horn sounded, followed by the sound of the mass movement of armoured blokes. Theodore pulled on his helmet, covering his face.

"Right, I shall accompany Theodore to the tournament, you two stay here." Ilsa grinned and left with Theodore.

For what seemed the thousandth time today, Rosina sighed. Adamo furrowed his brow,

"Look," he began, "I know you have magic. I haven't known you that long but you have helped me so much, probably saving my life, and I honestly have nothing against magic. I'm not going to turn you in if that's what you are worried about."

Before she knew what she was doing, Rosina rushed forward and hugged him, completely relieved that she wasn't about to be burned at the stake.

"Oh!" Rosina exclaimed, releasing him from the grip of her hug. "I need to ask, do you know anyone named Keir?"

"I do, he's my cousin."


Rosina had no idea how to phrase this next sentence. In fact, how does one tell a person that their close relative possibly tried to orchestrate their death? She supposed that it couldn't be too different from the time she had to tell her old friend's little sister that the reason why her favourite raven wasn't showing up was because Rosina had accidentally transformed it into a frog. This in mind, she gave it her best shot.

"Well. Uh, Ilsa questioned the witch and uh she said that the witch said that Keir, your cousin, was the one who orchestrated the whole thing."


Rosina winced, "she could have meant...another Keir?"

Adamo shook his head and sighed, "no it makes sense, Keir's side of the family has always wanted the throne. When I was a kid, I heard my uncle and my father arguing about the true rightful heir to the throne. Honestly? I don't want to be king. The constant vigilance and the pretentious diplomatic visits exhaust me.

However, I can't let Keir take the throne. I've heard his policies and it can only mean ruin to the kingdom. I'd rather have my younger brother be the heir."

"What do you plan to do instead?" Rosina asked.

Adamo seemed to turn slightly red, "I've kind of been training with our physician. I like helping people directly."

By now the vaguely muffled sound of fighting had been going on for a while, mixed with cheers that would rise to a crescendo but every now and then overcome by boos. It was during one such cheer that Ilsa slipped into the tent, face flush with excitement.

"Hey Rosina, did you want to go watch the fight? I'm happy to keep Adamo company."

Rosina looked at Adamo and he responded with a thumbs up. She grinned, ruffled Ilsa's hair and left the tent. She rushed over to the sound of fighting, to not miss any of the action, but she stopped when Rosina heard footsteps behind her. Wondering if it was Ilsa who wanted to give her advice, she turned. As she did so, something hit her on the back of the head, pain coursing through her skull. Rosina fell to the ground, unconscious. 

[Thanks for getting this far. My writing schedule is non-existent so I will either post a new chapter in the next couple of hours or in a month.  As always I appreciate any votes, comments and make sure to read g_writer528 's story Greenwood Academy. Cheers]

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