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"trees, oceans
and mountains
make my heart ache
in a very good way.

i was born in summer
and it's stamped itself
on my heart.

i like to sit on
the dock and
breathe in the sky.

i like quiet things
authentic people
and raw moments.

beautiful things
make me cry
a lot."

- "Small Facts About Me" by Hannah Nicole


Reporters are always a nuisance. Crowding people. Asking question after question, hoping for an answer, hoping for their big break. Maybe if they hound some kids they'll find the answers they need.

Akari kept her head down and walked through the crowd. There was no way she was going to stay and answer some dumbass questions about All Might.

She took in a deep breath after passing through that crowd, passing Aizawa on her way to class. The girls lips quirked up at the thought of him telling those reporters off.

Waking to class was very quiet, very calm. It was almost like the eye of the storm. When everything is at a stand still, just for a moment. Right before everything goes back to shit.

Was this the tranquil before the chaos?

She shook her head. There was no reason for her to be reading into it so much. It would only make her more anxious than she needed to be.
Make her more jittery and her classmates would surely notice, the teachers would surely notice.

She can't bring too much attention to herself because then she'll be singled out. She'll be forced to sit in front of Aizawa, answering questions that have no right answer. This is hero society, but she wanted this, so she must accept it.

The class seemed to be relaxed today. Well, as relaxed as hormonal, teenage, future pro-heroes could get. Everyone's first day jitters seemed to have worn off, now everyone was waiting for what would happen next.

Akari sat in her seat next to Todoroki and behind Mineta. After the trials yesterday, she finally learned everyone's names, which provided less anxiety when talking to them. It was always awkward when speaking to someone and you didn't know their name. It was best to avoid that.

She stared at her class, everyone was talking, seemingly happy with their new friends. It made her heart ache. Why did her heart ache?

Akari rolled her eyes before tilting her head to the side, staring at the boy next to her. He was no doubt pretty. Todoroki Shoto had to be the prettiest guy in the class. She kept looking away before looking back at him. The scar on his face added to his beauty, but he seemed so unapproachable.

There was no doubt he's been through some shit. She didn't know what, she didn't know if she wanted to know, but she'd hope he'd find the peace he's been looking for.

"Why do you keep staring at me?" The girl swiveled her head to the left, away from the boy she had been staring at. 'Shit.'

Akari didn't feel like she'd been too obvious but anyone would notice someone burning holes into the side of their head.

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