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"Seed hope
in your heart's wounds.
Plant the flowers
of self-forgiveness.
One day,
a bud of love will bloom
in your heart."

- Alexander Vasiliu


She was in a car with the social worker assigned to her case. Well, the lack thereof, seeing as they had no record of her. She truly never existed and she couldn't help but feel a little cool. Who wouldn't want to say they were basically a ghost for their whole life? Unknown to society.

The girl watched as they pulled into a nice neighborhood. The houses were all nice and big. Like really big. 'Who the fuck lived in this area? Jesus?'

The car continued forward until it stopped next to a house. It was a little smaller than the rest, but still huge. It was a nice pale blue. It seemed very innocent and sweet.

Why the fuck were the people who lived here deciding to adopt her again?

It had officially been a year since the destruction of D.A.B Labs. Well, that's what she liked to call it. She never bothered to learn too much about it because that would cause more unnecessary questions that she didn't want.

D.A.B as she liked to call it, stands for Dumb Ass Bitches because that's what those bastards were. Dumb ass bitches.

After everything they put her through, compared to what she wanted, they got a slap on the wrist. Too bad her plan was illegal and Eraserhead wouldn't let her go through with it.

Keiko looked to her social worker. She was a nice young woman with black, smooth skin and curly hair. The woman was undeniably beautiful and they would've probably become closer if Keiko ever talked more than five-word sentences.

The woman was in her late twenties. They had met each other a month ago and the woman got to work immediately. Her name was Eretria, and Eretria was the most hard-working person Keiko had ever met.

"Are you ready?"

Keiko looked away from her and at the house.


Eretria smiled. She's met a lot of kids going through tough shit, but this case had to be the worst. She had been assigned it after everyone at her office had declined it. Something about them not being able to handle it? The older woman had been dealing with a tough family situation and didn't have time for one as huge as this, but she could never turn it away. She would never turn a kid away.

"They're waiting for you inside. I would usually come and settle things with you, but I have some important business to attend to. I called ahead and checked the house the other day. They're wonderful people, Akari. They're the best and you deserve the best honey."

Keiko sighed a little bit before getting off. She turned around to look at the woman and bowed. She made a ninety-degree angle and stayed that way for five more seconds before getting up.

"Thank you."

The sapphire-eyed girl watched as the car left. This was really it. Jesus Christ, she was shitting her pants. She was nervous. What was she even supposed to say?

'Hey! I'm your new kid! Good luck dealing with my emotionally unavailable ass!'

Of fucking course not.

There were millions of ways this could go. Even if she didn't want to admit it, deep down, she hoped, they'd understand her and let her stay. But of course, she wasn't too swayed by that possibility. Not many people wanted an unresponsive teenager, who didn't even smile.

"Get out the way, you fucking extra."

Keiko paused and turned to her right. She looked at the boy who had just spoken. He had spiky blonde hair and bright red eyes. His features were undeniably attractive, but maybe if he stopped scowling he would look even better.

She turned around to her adopted family's house and started walking to it. Even if she really wanted to shove her foot up that guy's ass, it wouldn't be such a good impression on her soon-to-be family.

Bakugo watched as the half-white, half-black-haired girl walked away from him. She didn't even fucking say anything. Fucking extras get on his damn nerves. Even with his anger towards her increasing, his curiosity did also.

He knew his neighbors and he's never seen her around here before. He's been to that house plenty of times and both Daichi and Seji have never mentioned another kid. He scoffed. No doubt his mom was going to scream about it tonight.

'Fucking old hag.'


Keiko stared at the two men in front of her. She had just knocked into the house when one of them opened it, screamed, and closed it on her. Apparently, he thought she was coming later and was shocked by her arrival.

'It honestly could have been my face.' The girl thought.

"Uh-Introductions! Okay, I'm Keiko Seji and this is my husband, Daichi."

Keiko? Like her last name? 'That's suspicious. That's Weird.' The girl internally slapped herself. She needed to stop thinking about that damn video.

"Hello, my name is Keiko Akari. Thank you for taking me in." Manners. Manners. Manners. Keiko was always one for being respectful. Maybe it was the constant beatings she would get for not being respectful that made her this way or something else. God, she really needed to stop being so depressing.

Seji smiled. The girl in front of him was way more adorable than he thought she'd be. When he and Daichi had looked at her profile, there was no picture of her, just a description, so everything was left to the imagination.

At first, they were both hesitant in choosing her, but they trusted Eretria. She had provided them with their son, and they trusted her. She didn't let them down with that adoption and by the looks of it (well he hoped), she hadn't let them down this time either.

Seji got up from his seat. "Well, come on now Akari. I'll show you to your room, while Daichi cooks! Let's hope he doesn't burn the house down." Akari was ushered out of the room, as she watched a scared-looking Daichi get up from his seat quickly.

"Wait-NO! SEIJI!" The silver-haired man picked up his pace more and rushed them upstairs. From what Keiko's seen so far, Seji was definitely the more chaotic between the two, and Daichi was definitely the more mature one.

As soon as they made it to her room, Seji started to rant about how they didn't decorate it because they wanted her to make it her own space. He kept going on about colors, blankets, and decorations. He went around the room, exaggerating every movement with his hands.

Keiko set her bag down and watched as Seji walked into a closet and paused. He screamed and ran out the room, screaming about clothes. She definitely needed some of those.

The girl now left alone, walked around her room. It was big, with two windows. One across from her door, leading into another window of the neighbor's house and a bay window looking out to the backyard.

The ends of Keiko's lips turned up a little. Yeah, maybe she would like it here.

Maybe she had finally found home.


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