The rivers edge Part 3

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Third Pov:
Veronica enterd the lunch yard to see every one looking at her and turning away all open seats. The group is sitting at a lunch table listening to Archie's song when Veronica comes up to them.
Veronica: Can I join?
Ellie: Yeah
Veronica: What are we doing.
Betty: Listening to one of Archie's songs.
Ellie: Me and Kevin thought we were gonna have to pretend to like it, but it's actually really good.
Veronica: Wait that was you singing
Archie: its rough
Ellie:No it's great Arch
Veronica:Is that your thing? Music? Are you doing something with that?
Archie: yeah that's the plan. So how's your first day going? Good?
Veronica: not to be a complete narcissist but I thought people would be more...

Kevin and Ellie interrupt her.
Ellie/Kevin: Obsessed with you? Any other year you'd be trending number one for sure. This year though it's all about Cheryl trying to win the best supporting psycho Oscar for her role as Riverdale High bereaved Red Widow.
As they said that Cheryl starts walking to the table, no one but Archie notices and tries to find an excuse to leave.
Archie: hey I got to go. I got that meeting with Grundy and then football tryouts, so.
Veronica: he plays football to jeez what don't you do.
Ellie: and before you ask Blue Jasmine no she has not invited him to the dance yet
Betty sees Cheryl coming over and looks at Kevin with wide eyes, responding to Ellie.
Betty: not yet, and don't talk about Archie.

Cheryl approaches the table.
Cheryl: Veronica Lodge, I've heard whispering. I'm Cheryl blossom, may I sit? Betty, would you mind? So what are you 4 hens gossiping about? Archie's Efron-esque emergence from the chrysalis of puberty?

Betty looks at Veronica with a don't say anything face shaking her head no. Veronica looks at her and gets the signal, and turns back to Cheryl to answer her question.
Veronica: extracurriculars. Weatherby wants me to sign up for a few
Cheryl gets excited and says.
Cheryl: cheerleading you must. I'm senior captain of the river Vixens, and Ellie's co-captain with me.
Kevin looks at Ellie for permission to say something and she does but warns him that Cheryl is gonna say something back.
Kevin: Is cheerleading still a thing?
As Ellie said Cheryl had a comeback.
Cheryl: is being the gay best friend still a thing? Some people say it's retro, I say it's eternal and iconic.
Veronica wanted to find a way to get Cheryl to shut up and leave says.
Veronica:. At Spence, I sat at the top of the elites pyramid. I'm in. Betty you're trying out to
Ellie: of course anyone's welcome to try out
Cheryl then inturpts her by adding.
Cheryl: but Betty's already got so much on her plate right now.(trying to talk about her weight) and being a Vixens kind of a full time thing, but open to all.
She stands up to leave but before she leaves turns back and says.
Cheryl: follow me and Ellie on Twitter and we'll do the same. My handle is @Cherylbombshell, and Ellie is @Elliebombshell. El you coming we have to get ready.
Cheryl said trying to get Ellie away from those people.
Another chapter done, im going to be posting new chapters for my Perfection story today so pls vote and tell me any comments you have. Stay safe.

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⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: May 19, 2021 ⏰

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