Chapter #3 Then

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We finally pulled up in the parking lot of the San Diego Zoo after hours of driving.

"Why do they have a science fair at the zoo?" Brenn asked, confused. "No idea." I replied. We paid for tickets.(what a ripoff!) and walked around, looking for nerdy looking people that would alert us to the location of the fair.

We saw a guy with glasses and a pocket protector (!!!) drop his ice cream all over the ground. We walked over and asked him where the Science Fair was and he pointed vaguely over his shoulder. We walked where he pointed and saw lots of machines, animals, and triboards. "Oh no!" Exclaimed Brenn. "We forgot the triboard!" We agreed that I would watch the project while she walked back to the car and got the triboard. While I waited, a few people walked up and peered at my project, then saw I had no triboard to explain it and walked away. Brenn better come back soon, I thought, sighing as yet another person passed me with an inquiring look. As the minutes ticked by for what seemed like hours, I started playing a game with myself that I hade made up years ago. You look at a person, notice as much as you can about them, then try to make an educated guess about them. I was beginning to get bored when the hottest guy EVER walked up to my table. He raised an eyebrow. "Now what is this?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. I was caught totally off guard. "Um, my project." I said, stammering. He chuckled. "Well, obviously, but what exactly IS it? What does it do?" I was speechless. He chuckled again. "Well, why don't I come back later, once you've got your brain together." I choked out a feeble "Sure, thanks." As he walked away, he called over his shoulder," My name's Chris by the way. " I seemed to suddenly regain my confidence. "Ivy."
As he walked away, I desperately wanted to call, "Come back!" But I didn't.When Brenn gets back, I will tell her all about Chris. She'll be so excited.

A/N- Hey guys sorry about that there was a glitch in the app and the whole thing didnt upload so I fixed that for y'all.
Read on!

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