chapter 1: betrayal

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issei woke in his king sized bed to find himself alone which has been happening constantly lately the girls he thought loved him had been avoiding him constantly not only that but he learned they were seeing other men behind his back he let it go though as the new boys would die way before he or his girls in which case they will be his again and he figured they just needed a break they had very long lives he figured but when he heard that rias was planning on turning the boys into devils using issei pieces he broke they were getting rid of him

"ddraig is there a way i can eject the evil pieces from my body" i asked

"yes but it will be painful are you sure partner" ddraig asked

"positive" i said as i left the house and went to azazel

"hey i need a couple of favors" i said

"what can i do for ya brat" he asked

"i need a place where i can be loud without causing a commotion and i need you to swear you will never ask what i am doing" i said

"alright, sure" azazel said

"thanks" i said and he led me to a space where i would be alone

"alright do it ddraig" i said and ddraig began the process of turning me into a full blooded dragon and ejecting those evil pieces i screamed out in agony as the process occurred what surprised me was someone heard me when i finished i looked up to see michael standing there

"hello young issei" he said smiling

"lord michael what are you doing here" i asked

"i was checking up on you your the reason we have our peace after all" he said in reality he was checking to see how powerful issei had become

"i see" i said

"why are you ejecting your evil pieces if i may ask" he asked

"rias and the others betrayed me" i said

"may i ask what happened" he asked

"as you are aware i am sure i had feelings for the girls of rias's peerage and i thought they did me but i found out that each one had a boyfriend and was dating them behind my back even irina did this to me" i said he was shocked to hear this especially about his ace

"i am sorry to hear this" he said

"so i am going to get back at her by simply leaving and she won't even know it happened until she finds my pieces on her desk" i said

"i don't sense any devil energy within you" michael said i shook my head

"i am a full blooded dragon" i said

"would you like to become my queen and an angel" michael asked

"this is an opportunity to grow stronger partner take it michael can't betray you he will fall most likely" ddraig said

"sure" i said he smiled and pulled out the queen card inserting it into his body surprisingly this did more then expected and issei lost himself

"i am the bone of my sword" i said michael's eyes widened

"unlimited blade works" he whispered

"steel is my body and fire is my blood, i have created over a thousand blades" i said as i said this the excalibur pieces all appeared around me shocking michael even further

"unknown to death, nor known to life" i said as the blades merged together into a single whole but this wasn't enough as excalibur morgan proto excalibur and the holy lance rhongomyniad appeared around me michael was now in pure glee but it got better

"have withstood pain to create many weapons" i chanted at this point portals began to open around me and weapons began to appear

"gates of babylon" michael mouthed in pure shock

"yet those hands will never hold anything, so as i pray unlimited blade works" i finished before falling unconscious and the weapons all entered into the portals to the treasury of babylon

"use our blades well mongrel" gilgamesh said

"our hopes and dreams follow you" artoria said

"good luck our chosen successor" archer (shirou) said

michael picked me up before opening a portal

"we will treat you right that i promise" michael said to issei as he entered the portal to heaven

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