chapter 4: the silver guards

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i followed sirzechs to the creator of the evil pieces ajuka beelzebub

"it is good to see you again lord beelzebub" i said he smiled and gestured towards a monument which i put my hand on

"push as much of your magic as possible into it" ajuka said i did as i was told pushing in all of my magic he was shocked at the amount of magic i now held but gave me my set of mutation pieces

"a full set of mutation pieces what a monster" ajuka said to himself i left for heaven with my pieces to meet michael who was holding my deck in his hand he handed me the king of spades card which i put inside me that caused the cards and pieces to merge together creating a deck of cards that were all a very dark grey

"what will you call your new deck" michael asked

"the silver guards" i said

"it is a good name" michael said

"i will be gone for a while searching for my guards" i said he nodded

"see you when you return" michael said i nodded and left

my journey lasted several months as i brought people back to life who died to early or reincarnated those who were living all of them were girls and each one was apart of my harem although gabriel was my main girl and i made certain my girls understood that as without gabriel i would have turned into an emotionless husk when i returned to heaven i was greeted with cheers from all of the angels my silver guard was in shock

"i am very well liked in heaven" i told them as i led them to the upper areas to meet michael and report my return when michael saw me he had the biggest most genuine smile i had ever seen

"i'm back lord michael" i said

"it's good to see you" he said

"these are all twelve of my silver guards" i said and they began to one by one introduce themselves and what they could do upon hearing their powers michael at first was impressed then realized this was issei he always had powerful women behind him

"i would say i am impressed but that was before i realized this is exactly like you always with powerful women behind you" michael said

"thank you lord michael" i said

"you can go i have no need of you at the moment and i am certain gabriel is waiting for you" he said i nodded and my girls paled

"don't worry first and foremost your my subordinates i will protect you" i said and they calmed down a bit i summoned my familiar suzume and mounted her as my familiar masters and yukako summoned their beasts and the rest rode with them with them satsuki sayuri and pyrrha flew with me

"lets go" i said as we flew back to my house and landed the girls and i dismounted and we desummoned our beasts and were met with gabriel who walked up and kissed me i kissed back

"i missed you" she said

"you have no idea how much i missed you" i responded to her

"so your issei's harem" gabriel said as they started hiding behind me gabriel chuckled

"don't worry i am not gonna hurt you so long as you make issei happy i am happy to share however the moment you break his heart i will kill you okay" gabriel said they all began nodded at a ridiculous speed

"then welcome to the harem and welcome home" gabriel said

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2021 ⏰

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