Chapter 1

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The soft melody danced in the air as a shiver twirled down my spine. My lips shifted into a smile as I watched Augustus play the piano. His gentle tune instantaneously soothed me, reminding me of the lullabies my nurses sang to me when I was young. Despite knowing him for a while now and personally witnessing his growth as a piano player, I am still just as impressed by his music as if I had just met him. He played with such love and care that you'd think he and the piano were alone in their own universe. His eyebrows were furrowed as his eyes admired the keys. Intense passion flowed from his eyes, through his fingers, and onto the piano keys. His music placed a blissful spell on me, enchanting me.

Breaking the spell, he stopped playing. He turned around to look at me. "How was it?"

"It was absolutely beautiful!" I answered.

I have known Agustus since I was five years old. He was always the kindest, most thoughtful individual I knew. Because I lived in the kingdom of Atlene, we were often separated for long periods. But when I visited Caspinia or he visited Atlene, he would always stay true and always be the friendliest he could be with me. Being considerate to my major adjustment, he always made time to make me feel at home and often made me laugh when I was feeling homesick.

"I was thinking about playing it at the ball my mother is hosting for my brother's arrival," he informed me. "I am so glad he's coming back. I have missed him greatly."

Prince Nicolas, Augustus' elder brother, first left when Agustus and I were 5 years old to study abroad for 10 years. For an additional three years, he served in the army as a requirement to become king of Caspinia. Last week, on his 22nd birthday, he completed his time in the army and was allowed to return home. He will be arriving today and tomorrow, his mother will formally welcome him with a grand ball.

"I have never met your brother. What is he like?" I asked. Six months ago, I was sent to Caspinia to meet and court the princes for marriage as a part of my father's marriage alliance with their king. I was to be married within two years. Because my father didn't wish me a dreadful wedding, he allowed me to choose the brother of my choice. However, I have only had the chance to meet one of the brothers.

"He's a man of many hobbies. He's a talented swordsman and an impeccable rider. He is very intelligent since he spends a lot of time reading. He has commanded and led a huge army to gain control of the southern rebels--" He pauses to take a look at my face. His eyes dimmed and his tone hardened as he said, "But his commitment levels are low, and he often goes through women like dirty laundry. He is often unfaithful because he never finds a woman to satisfy him."

I was a bit taken aback by his foreign harsh manner so to lighten the mood, I joked, "He seems to have a high commitment level as he has such time-consuming pastimes." Giggling, I searched at his face for a reaction but he seemed distant.

I look around for something to spark up a new conversation and clear the deafening silence with. The room was empty other than the couches in front of the fireplace, a variety of other instruments, and paintings of prior kings and queens. Augustus and I always have something to talk about but ever since news arrived that Prince Nicolas was returning to court, he remains quiet and keeps a distant look in his eyes. Perhaps it's just nerves for his brother's return but still, I wasn't accustomed to this much tension around him and sometimes I worry that this may be a permanent change in our friendship.

Stressfully running a hand through his hair, Augustus said, "I'm going to go get ready for my brother's arrival."

Without another word, he simply stood and walked out the double doors. His footsteps echoed in the halls. Sighing, I sat back on a nearby couch. When the prince arrives tomorrow, I'll have to start the courting process. Having never romantically looked at Augustus, I never truly saw him as a choice. I had only met Prince Nicolas when they were visiting my father when I was four but I don't recall much, other than him chasing me in the castle's halls and pulling my hair. He must be so different now. I let myself surrender to my imagination as I thought of Prince Nicolas. Perhaps now he was a far more mature individual. Would he like me? Would it be love at first sight? Or is he an ugly, horrible man who used his status to get what he wanted? What if he was like his brother said? A man who saw women as nothing but something to pass time with is clearly not suitable for respect, let alone marriage. But a man of talent and intelligence is. Could it be possible that he was simply looking for a woman to make him happy? What if I don't make him happy? Would I be happy with Augustus? Would I ever see Augustus as more than a friend? Was he even king material? Are two years even enough to court these two princes for marriage?

My mind was spiraled while I attempted to brush these daunting thoughts away. It doesn't matter if my husband makes me happy. My duty as a princess is to make sacrifices for my kingdom-- even if it costs me my own happiness-- and I'm certain this alliance is far more significant than my marriage. Even with the recent military victories, Atlene was suffering from a strained economy, and our resources were spread too thin. This marriage was meant to strengthen the alliance between our two countries. If I couldn't make a choice between them, their father will retract all their resources from us, leaving us in distress and with the possibility of collapsing. When my father passes, I'll inherit the throne, and if I cannot prove myself worthy as a princess, then I'll lose the support of my people. I cannot put my people through years of wars and instability once more.

"Your highness!" Accompanied by a knock, a small voice called from behind the closed doors, snapping me out of my thoughts. I stood up and plastered a solemn facade on my face to hide my worries.

"Come in," I called back. A maid scurried in.

After a quick curtsy, she says, "Sorry to disturb you but the queen requested that you get dressed and ready for the prince's arrival."

I nodded and followed her out of the music room. My body rattled with angst as I walked down the corridor. I can almost hear my mother advising me that I am a princess and princesses don't falter in fear of what could be. To compose myself, I took a deep breath.

Arriving at my room, the maid opens the door and holds it open as I enter. The maids who were already inside greeted me with a curtsy. I gave them a small smile and nod.

"Where are my ladies?" I questioned as the maids came to my side and guided me towards the mirror. I have three ladies-in-waiting; May, Lucy, and Rose. They came with me from my home country and accompanied me through this new development. These were my closest friends and most trusted companions. They always knew how to settle my nerves and without them, I would have given into my fears a long time ago.

"Lady Rose is choosing your dress but Lady Lucy and Lady May are on their way," one of the maids chimed.

As if on cue, my ladies walked in. Immediately, I felt my fears melt away upon their arrival. Rose is a short, plump woman with blonde curly hair. Lucy is not much taller than her but was far skinnier and had pin-straight blonde hair. May was the tallest but only by a couple of inches. She had big hazel eyes and brown curly hair. I could barely see Rose with the dress box she was carrying as it was towering over her small body. May and Lucy were discussing hair and jewelry combinations.

After giving me sloppy hugs and quick kisses on the cheek, the girls began shouting orders at the maids. Within the minute, I was undressed and my face was powdered. Then, I was dressed and my hair was brushed. The room was mixed with excited chatter and some quarrels over differences in opinions. So many people were working on me at once, I couldn't tell whose hand was doing what. I trusted their process but each time they prepared me for a big occasion, I felt like a blank canvas and they were the artists.

"Are you ready, Adeline?" May asked as she clasped a necklace onto my neck.

Fingering the singular red jewel hanging from a gold chain, I pondered. I gazed at myself through the mirror. My fiery red hair was mainly brushed down, reaching my lower back in waves. Part of it was braided back to prevent loose strands from covering my face. My usual pale skin was even paler which I hadn't thought possible. Perhaps, a bit more red powder could retain some color in my face. My green eyes were a swirly storm of worry and excitement. I ran my hand down over my dress. It was a crimson red color and a wide neck. Despite the tight torso, it had wide and flowy sleeves that fell short at my forearms. The skirt was ruffled and reached the floor, covering my shoes. I felt beautiful but I worried that wasn't enough to make a good first impression.

"No, but time doesn't wait for one to be ready," I finally answered. "Can you add some powder on my cheeks? Just a bit, not much."

May slips earrings onto my ears that matched the necklace before adding a faint amount of powder on my cheek.

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