Chapter 2

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"Adeline!" Lucy gushed, as soon as we were out of earshot of the royal family. Once we entered the palace, we went separate ways ourselves to continue one with our day. Despite Prince Nicolas being far away by now, my heart was still racing as the faded touch of his lips on my hand still lingered.

"Are you not going to slow down for us?" May asked, out of breath. I hadn't even noticed how fast I was walking until she mentioned it. I stopped in front of a window, and turned to face them.

"I apologize. It's just..." I paused, soaking in their eagerness to hear what I had to say. "He's so handsome!"

The girls broke into a spell of giggles. I continued, "And it must have been something about the sun because Augustus suddenly appeared to be handsome as well. And he is just so kind and caring in such a way that warms my heart. On the other hand, Prince Nicolas is absolutely charming in a way that makes my heart flutter so much I can barely contain it."

"As I had predicted!" Lucy exclaimed, clapping her hands. I couldn't help but smile.

"Well, I still believe that Augustus is in the running," May responded. "You have just met Prince Nicolas. You still don't know if he has the right personality."

Sighing, I nodded my head. While I must marry one of them for the good of my nation, I needed to marry someone honorable- they can't just look handsome beside me. They will represent my nation and my rule, but if I can't stand my husband, I fear it may affect my responsibility as a royal.

"It's too early to know! Stop suffocating her!" Rose said, grabbing my hand. "Adeline, I trust your judgment. Take the time you need to find the one to make you happy."

I smiled at her, gratefully. Rose was the most thoughtful out of all my ladies. She always showed the most sincere form of empathy whenever it was needed.

"Promise you will update us every step of the way!" Lucy piped up.

"Of course! You ladies will know every last detail," I said, grabbing her hand with my free one.

"Perhaps not every detail," May teased.

"May!" I swatted at her, jokingly while the girls laughed.

"Oh! Before it slips my mind, the King requested that you continue your studies here. Now that you are comfortable here, he has sent you a tutor. Before the welcoming ceremony, I received word that he asked that you meet him in the library to discuss your curriculum soon," Rose told me.

I rolled my eyes. I thought I had escaped the strict tutors and overwhelming load of academics when I left Atlene. I used to love learning, but when I reached thirteen years old, I was required, as the next in line for the throne, to study all I could about politics. Usually, heirs learn from their parents while they rule, but in my case, I couldn't because my father was back home and I had to secure this alliance here.

Hugging them all, I said, "Thank you. I'll see you girls at dinner."

"Enjoy!" Lucy teased.

With that, they wandered off while I walked to the library. The castle's library was absolutely beautiful. The bookcases were so tall they reached the high ceiling and covered every inch of the wall, except for the tall bay windows. The sun poured through the windows and onto the floor into huge pools of light, brightening the whole room up. When I first arrived, I would escape to this room so I could be alone and away from my responsibilities. I would be comforted by the words on the pages of the books and would let my imagination run free from my world of worries and angst.

The sound of the door squeaking open echoed through the room. In response, I stood up to see who it was. A short man rushed in. With an angry expression, he took off his hat, and stood in front of me. His hair was graying, and was cut short. His lips tightly pressed against them in a small line. It was covered by a near white beard. His eyes were droopy and solemn. Weighed down by a sack he was carrying, he placed it on the table.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2021 ⏰

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