Maze runner imagine - greiver attack TW!

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Night had fallen upon the glade once again as the fellow galders made preperations for the upcoming bonfire. Supplies was collected and sticks were lit with fire as a pile of wood burst into flames sending burning embers into the cold night air. Drinks were poured and laughs were shared. You emerged from the huts and sat on one of the rickity logs placed on the rim of the bonfire.

The boys: "Wohoo Y/N's here!"

You slightly smiled and joined the ongoing parade of fun and joy. Conversations were silenced as a distant screeching echoed closer and closer to the gates. The gladers sprung from there seats and gathered around the doors.

Chuck: "Sissy what's happening, I'm scared."

You firmly pulled chuck into a tight yet soothing hug whilst playing with his hair and rubbing his back in hopes he would calm down.

Y/N: "It's okay. You safe. I've got you. I've got you." You quietly whispered in his ear.

He brought his head up and gave you the biggest smile making you relax knowing chuck felt safe and wasn't filled with dread and terror.

Thomas: "This isn't right, they should be closed."

Glader: "Where's that noise coming from?"

All of a sudden a loud boom vibrated against the air making the gladers jump. You flinched at the sudden noise and felt yourself being wrapped in a bear hug. Your chin lifted as you saw Newt standing there holding you in his arms. A small smile crept to your lips as you whispered: "Thank you newtie."

Newt chuckled and responded with: "No problem Love your okay."

Althought your breith talk was shortened as the sound of scraping against stone came present and a shadow emerged from the depths of the maze. Clawring itself closer to the defensless folk who soon reaslised what it was. It was a... Greiver!

Alby: "Okay everybody hide!"

Gally: "Go to the runners hut!"

The gladers immediately turned on their heels and bolted towards the structure in the trees. Through the running and pressure they all looked behind them making sure you were there safe and uninjured. You smiled sweetly at them before you felt the ground beneath your feet starting to shout. The greiver was right on your tail so your forced your legs to move faster than they ever had before. You zoomed past the boys and they all sprinted after you. Eventually you all reached the runners building. We all exchanged looks and were all happy to see eachother. The boys ran to you and hugged you so tight you could bearly breathe.

The boys: "We're so happy your okay!"

Y/N: "I'm happy to see you guys to."

A sudden whir of metal scraped the top of the hut making you scream out so followed by you placing a hand over your mouth hoping to neglect the noise burnng to be released. You felt a small body wrapp their arms around your waist as you found it to be Chuck. Suddenly a metal claw reached for Chuck firmly grasping his hips pulling him up. The force of him being pulled ment for you to be flung across the room landing on the solid floor. Half of the gladers reached for Chuck restraining from the greivers hold and the others rushed to your side seeing if your were okay. Pulling and pulling, grunting and determination caused the boys to pull Chuck back to the floor to safety. You rolled to your back and groaned in pain only to see a cluster of boys looking over you worried. You smiled at them and help your thumb up indicating you were okay. Minho pulled you to your feet before squashing you into a bone breaking hug.

Gally: "Shortie you okay?"

Fry: "Bubbles that looked like it hurt."

You chuckled slightly and responded with: "That's because it did!"

A couple of them laughed but instantly stopped to see something present of the side if your hip. You looked at them questioningly before one of them pointed to the place. Lifting your shirt of the pointed place you found a deep gash slashed into your skin as blood gushed from the seams.

Zart: "Omg are you okay?"

Alby: "Doll that's bad."

Newt: "We need to clean it."

Chuck: "Sissy you okay that looks sore are you okay?"

Before you could respond a metal claw reached back looking for prey and finally set itslef upon your sides. You winced in pain as the metal hit your wound but before you could react you were being lifted to the doors of death. The boys bolted over and grabbed your arms tightly.

Minho: "Hey hold on don't let go."

Winston: "We'll get you down your going to be okay."

Jeff: "Don't let go."

Clint: "You're going to be okay."

You feel the grab of the greiver becoming more agressive and powerfull and know in your head what's going to happen. You look to them and smile before whispering: "I'm sorry I'll see you again. One day." And with that you were pulled from the boys tight grasped and pulled into the dark and cold night.

The boys: "NO Y/N!!!!!!"

They ran outside to see you on the floor and the greiver hovering dangerously close above you. Throwing spears and knives at the greiver they hoped their efforts would weeken the greiver. In pain the greiver cried out and scurried away. Boys ears perked as they hear you scream in pain and your sobs wracked your body as they find the knife imbedded deep into your stomach.

Gally: "Omg Y/N!"

Newt: "What have we done!"

Chuck: "SISSY!!!"

They all ran to your side and looked down in concern in worry. They soon find out the knife was one of many injuries. Your hip was gushing with blood and the blood transferred to your top. One of the boys lifted your shirt to reveal a puddle of blood forming on your stomach. A greiver had impaled their leg into yours so there was a hole showing and blood smerred across your whole lower body. You head caused extruciating pain and your body went numb and cold. Your eyes felt heavy and you became light headed. They boys noticed how unresponsive and weary you looked. Eyes beginning to close you heard the boys distant voices echoing into your ears.

Newt: "Hey. Hey. Hey. Love stay with us."

Thomas: "Hey bubs your okay keep your eyes open."

Alby: "Doll i know your tired but keep your eyes open."

You smiled at there eforts and weakly spoke: "I-its o-o-okay. I-i-ill be o-o-okay."

Sobbs wracked the boys bodies as you closed your eyes and everything became distant and your vision filled with darkness. You slightly heard -

The boys: "Its okay you can let go. We'll miss you so much."

The voices faded and you were at one with the silence as you were pressed further into the darkness.

Boys POV:

Her body went limp and her breath faded as her skin went cold to the touch and she laid there motionless. We cried and sat there in silence.

Zart: "She was a good person. She's at peace now."

Chuck: "I can't believe she's gone."

Alby: "She'll be greatly missed."

The boys went quiet as some returned to the group with white flowers and they placed them around the lifeless girl. Newt opened her hand slightly and slipped a bouquet of daisies into them. We took turns giving her a kiss on the forehead and saying are final goodbyes as the morning sun rose and the dark nightmares faded with the night. The night takes the sun but last night it took a soul greatly loved by many people.

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