Maze runner imagine - seeing scars from cutting TW!

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You and the other gladers were camping out under the stars as the moon illuminated the sky contrasting against the ebony sky portraying the stars in true form. Laughter and chatter was shared within the group as Minho told some of his ridiculous jokes. We all erupted into a fit of laughter. All of a sudden Newt rose to his feet and spoke boldly.

Newt: "May I have this dance m'lady?"

He gave his hand out and you firmly grasped it as you rose to your feet and giggled. The boys all smiled as they found your giggle the cutest thing heard to human. You and Newt started dancing together, goothing around, when the others joined in. Thomas was giving Chuck a piggy back whilst you was on Gally's back.

Gally: "Your so light Y/N."

Y/N: "Why thank you kind sir."

You all started laughing again as you settled yourself onto the floor before running away. Without hesitation the boys ran after you as Frypan tackled you to the floor giving you a light kiss on your forehead making sure you were okay. Winston then came up to you and helped you to your feet before giving you a massive bear hug. They all noticed how tired you looked and smiled as you cutely warned covering your mouth with your hand.

Zart: "Alright lets get this cutie to bed."

Minho: "C'mon shortie."

He lent down allowing you to go onto his back whilst you wrapped your legs around his lower torso. As you made your way back to camp we all started talking.

Alby: "So should we have a bonfire tommorow?"

All the boys: "Yesss!"

Chuck: "What do you think sissy?" He asked as all attention went to you as you were yet to answer.

Alby: "Doll?"

They all looked and saw you with your head resting on Minho's shoulder and your eyes closed. Small chuckles were shared throughout the group.

Thomas: "I guess she really was tired."

They all continued to mess around and Minho jumped up causing you to instantly wake up making the boys scowl at him.

Minho: "Oh sorry Y/N didn't mean to wake you."

Newt: "You okay love?"

Y/N: "Yeah just tired." As you were saying this your eyes were closed.

You got of Minho's back and yawned once again into your hand. Thomas pulled you into his chest allowing you to snuggle into it and get cosy as he lifted you from the ground wrapping your legs around his waist.

The boys: "Awww she's so cute."

You smiled sweetly at them before dosing off into a peacfull sleep.

Jeff: "Okay let's go and lay her down."

They eventually reached camp and Thomas layed you gently on your sleeping bag. Although whilst lying you down your sleeve rolled up revealing something on your arm. Their looks deepened as they soon realised they were scars. Small gasps were announced and tears were shed as Alby came over and rubbed them gently before rolling your sleeve down.

Clint: "Omg why would she do that?"

Zart: "Oh my...."

Chuck: "Sissy.. why would she do this? She's perfect."

Gally: "Oh shortie what have you done."

They were all at a complete loss for words as to why you did it. Not knowing what to do they took turns either rubbing your scars carefully or kissing them softly. Sadness filled the group as the girl who was always smiling and laughing had such a sad story.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2021 ⏰

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