to survive my days

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A/N: I accidentally wrote the entire thing on my other book and Wattpad wouldn't let me switch it over. So this took way too long. Also, have any of you ever written a book and then wished it was already written so that you could just read it instead of having to come up with plot? Because that's a mood.

Katsuki quickly let go of Seros hand and took a terrified step back.

"I-I'm not Alpha! I swear! H-He is just my friend."

Dabi sneered and leaned closer to Katsuki, making the smaller boy flinch and the other alpha pinch his eyebrows with concern.

"Oh yeah? Then why the fuck is he callin you babe, huh? You mean to tell me that he's only your friend when he's holding your hand and taking you to stores, fucking talking to you like that? Hm? Staring at you the way he does? You like being a dirty whore?"

The ravenette took another step closer, pushing Sero away when the alpha tried to warn him to stop.

"I give you one little bit of freedom and this is how you repay me? Huh you dumb slut? Can't fucking do anything right. And to think I put my fucking trust in you to go out and obey my rules. You're a little shit-"

"Woah man," Sero stepped in front of the angry alpha again "Chill out, Katsuki isn't cheating on you, and even if he was those are so not okay words to say to an omega? Do you want him to drop right here? Now?"

Katsuki shakes his head and steps around Sero.

"Don't fret Sero, it's alright, I'm used to it. It's okay. I am deserving of the punishment that awaits as I have made it seem as though I've been deceiving." Katsuki stated it like he rehearsed it. A well delivered line from a fantastic actor.

He looks down and bares his unmarked neck in a sign of submission. Sero restrains his urge to lunge forward and take a bite.

"Damn right whore, let's fucking go before I loose my shit." Dabi flips off Sero before grabbing Katsukis wrist tight enough for the omega to flinch and yanks on his arm, dragging him forward.

"Woah man!" Sero wraps one arm around Katsukis waist and a hand on Dabis arm, trying to get the ravenette to slow down. "You both seem a little tense right now, maybe you should spend the night apart."

Dabi frowned tightly and growled at Sero before tugging at Katsuki and ignoring the blondes pained gasp. "Stay out of it boy. Fucking c'mon bitch, we're leaving."

A shadow cast over the scene and giant hands started prying Dabi off Katsuki.

"I don't think so." A deep voice rumbled. "You're both pretty tense. You need to calm down, take some time for yourself and leave Katsuki alone for a couple days."

Kirishima to the rescue once again. Sero pulled Katsuki away from Dabi gently and kneeled down to asses the blondes health.

"Hey, hey, Kitty? Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

"I'm fine Sero, I told you, I'm used to this behavior."

Sero looked up sadly and carded his fingers through Kats hair before brushing his cheek with a thumb.

"I know baby, but you but you shouldn't have to be."

Katsuki let a small smile slip before turning to watch Dabi argue with Eijirou.

"Fuck off! You don't have any say in what I do to my boyfriend."

Kirishima sighed and snatched Dabis clenched fist before it hit the redhead. For a bulky guy he sure is fast. Dabis arm couldn't move, almost like it was caught in stone.

"I do when that boyfriend is my little brother and best friend. If you're not treating him right there will be hella consequences. Like me on your doorstep, brass knuckles with spikes level consequences."

Dabi scoffed before Kirishima let him wrench his hand away and storm off yelling about how they could 'keep Katsukis whore ass.'

The rest of the self proclaimed "Bakusquad" gathered around the small blonde in worry.

"So, ya still not talkin to me?"


"Wait, wait, hold on." Mina stopped as they were wandering the parking lot for the car Denki dubbed the "Bakuvan" an ugly orange cross over black with spray paint of the other team members trademark symbols. "Back the fuck up babe, you think he's just being an alpha? You think I'd say that to Jiki?"

Katsuki mulled it over for a moment, apologizing when someone bumped into him. "I believe if Tama were capable of doing anything wrong, your alpha side would take over. Is that not what happens? Dabi often apologizes once he's back in control."

The whole group stares at him in horror.

"No..." Mina whispered as the group started moving again. "I would never call my baby those things."

The group was surprised by Katsukis laugh. "Well of course not, we were in public. He wouldn't have spared my feelings if we were alone, plus I think Eiji scared him."

The red head let out a toothy grin and puffed in pride before deflating at the reminder of his best bro being abused.


"KAAAAAT!!" Kirishima was interrupted by a loud sob.

"Why didn't you tell us about this?" Denki threw himself at Katsuki and tipped him over so fast that Sero had to reach out and steady both of them.

"I didn't think it was important, nor any of your business. I'm not apologizing Kaminari." Katsuki lightly shoved him off and started to walk towards his own car.

"Ouch." Denki sniffed. "I just want him to be okay." Todoroki rubbed his back gently and kissed his head.

"We know that, but he might not. He loves you Denki. You know that, he's just hurt right now."

Mina nods and reaches out for a hug from the blonde. "Yeah, don't worry about it, he loves all of us, you know he's just a stubborn little thing."

Denki nods and wipes his tears before they hear more sniffling coming from the right.

Tamaki has his head in his hands as he crouches next to the van.

"It's not fair." Tamakis sent sours something fierce and both his alphas know he's dropping immediately.

Sero ran off saying something about making sure Katsuki was okay.

"Hey baby, baby it's okay." Both Ashido and Eijirou reached out to bring Amajiki into a tight hug.

"It's not!" He screeched, "Our best friend is hurting so bad and we can't even do anything about it!" He sobbed again and buried himself into his alphas chests.

Denki rushes over to rub at Amajiki's back as Shoto shifts awkwardly.

"Babe it's alright, we're going to save him. I swear it to you."

Ashido kisses the top of Amajiki's head. "See? It's gonna be okay my little clam. Everything is going to be fine. We'll save him- I'll save him if it's the last thing I do."

Eijirou nods and tightens his jaw.

"I promise you, both of you-" he lays a hand on Denkis shoulder. "We'll save him."

Shoto nods as well with an awkward looking smile towards the group.

"As the only person here who can legally do anything about it I'll do my best."

A/N (again, deal with it.): This was a long ass wait. Oops. The next chapter is already being written so look forward to that shit. Have a good day/afternoon/night or whatever.

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