theory 1: 2d is asexual i guess???

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guys look at the new gorillaz art ^ noodle in a dress. can you believe it. she is all look so good.



so hello, hello!!! today i guess i'm writing a theory about 2d actually being asexual (duh??). in the previous part, 2d hcs, i mentioned that 2d was definitely ace, or at least on the ace spectrum, but i didn't really prove that? and i suppose since i said it was sort of a headcanon, i didn't need to, but i am going to at least try to prove it!!!!

was gna write this earlier but i got caught up doing spring break shit? like playing bass and sitting in the sun and then getting rained on five minutes later because my school board decided that spring break in april was a good idea like ok. anyway i'll shut up

let's begin.

to start- let's talk about early gorillaz for a moment.

sometime after (or possibly even before, during promo) the release of demon days in 2005, gorillaz did an interview called the popworld horse interview. in this interview, it's mentioned that 2d has become a bit of a sex symbol since his time with gorillaz, which is the first bit of key evidence i need for my theory.

i'll put in a bit of the transcript here (transcript creds to gz fandom wiki):

Richard: Anyway back to you guys. 2-D, what's it like being a sex symbol?

Murdoc: Err, no he ain't no sex symbol. He's too busy changing his ringtones.

2-D: You're just jealous.

Murdoc: No I'm not.

2-D: Yes you are.

Murdoc: No I'm not.

2-D: Yes you are.

Murdoc: Nooooo I'm not.

2-D:....Yes you are.

Murdoc: SHUT UP!!!!

(interview link: )

notice murdoc's reaction. he doesn't seem pleased, and he's most certainly jealous, much like 2d said, right?


now it's common knowledge to basically any gorillaz fan who has read at least 10 words of lore (/hyp) that murdoc definitely didn't treat 2d very kindly during the early days of gorillaz, nor russ, either. the world wasn't exactly on 2d's side at this time lol

but that would make anyone feel upset with themselves and their current state. now, let's just say that, 2d still being young and naive, used his status to fill the sort of upset void created by how poorly he was being treated. it's possible that he could have thought that by going out and engaging in..relations, with as many people as possible, it would help him feel loved and a lot better about his position.

doing so earned him a bit of a sex-symbol reputation. this label plastered onto 2d likely didn't make him feel any better, but it irked murdoc for certain, which gave him a bit of leverage against his tormentor. so he kept up with it in an act of revenge!!!

im kidding haha

anyway. so yeah. 2d had a bit of a high ground, and it upset murdoc. but the thing is, 2d didn't really feel any better about having this sort of persona. sure, he kept up with the lifestyle, but something wasn't *right* about it.

then boom. plastic beach?! they're stuck on an island. alone. two blokes to themselves plus a robot.

i have a feeling this is where 2d likely discovered he was asexual or at least on the asexual spectrum. now that he didn't have to worry about maintaining that sex-symbol status, he felt a bit freed up and like he had a lot of time to do some personal exploration.

in the music from this time period, a lot of it seems looser and more filled with love compared to anything else. 2d's vocals eased up and the way he delivers lines feels more authentically him, as if he was really putting his heart and soul into it (despite rough conditions, obviously). it's likely that 2d having been a lot more freed up from the burden of the label he had to carry did him some good.

and, upon returning home, things remained.

now i already know what you're thinking, i literally- i just know:


murdoc wrote humanz.

murdoc CANONICALLY wrote humanz. NOT 2d. so there's no way he would've written she's my collar. he couldn't have done it.

and not just because he didn;t write the album!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


anyway no really i'm not actually all that serious about this theory i'm just writing this for fun. a friend and i came up with this the other day (bless them they cant see this but i love them sm) and yeah! i wanted to share it. i'll buff out this theory later and add more too it (possibly in a different post) and hopefully gather some more sensical proof lol.

but yeah! what do you think im kinda curious tbh :0 i'm totally down to debate this, i wanna hear what others think!

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