headcanon 2: how gorillaz play minecraft lmfao

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currently afk in my world rn waiting for my iron to smelt so i came up with this to help pass the time..waiting on 2 stacks. i've got a while.


play style: the builder - 2d probably spends most of his time on the shared server building. he doesn't like grinding for the materials though, so he often asks the others for extra wood, stone, wool, dirt, and since he gets so caught up building for hours on end, he's often asking for someone to bring him some food (both in game and real life). it's always worth it though, as he never fails to build something impressive in almost no time at all.

server allies: the grinder, the mob slayer, the farmer

server enemies: the griefer (for obvious reasons)


play style: the griefer - murdoc is likely the griefer on the shared server. why? he doesn't exactly understand the point of the game. he doesn't always mean to blow up, burn down, or steal blocks from builds, but he does, and he definitely isn't sorry about it, either.

server allies: the mob slayer, the grinder

server enemies: the farmer, the builder


play style: the mob slayer - noodle, wielding a full enchanted diamond sword and decked out in her full diamond armour believes that protecting her friends in the server is the most important aspect of playing! she will defend them from any creeper, zombie, or skeleton that appears to be a threat. she has likely beaten the ender dragon multiple times, and possibly the wither as well.

server allies: the builder, the farmer, the griefer

server enemies: the grinder


play style: the farmer - russel prefers to spend his time working on animal and crop farms, as he enjoys the husbandry side of minecraft most. he likely has multiple large animal farms, ranging from sheep to bees to striders in the nether, as well as crop farms, from sugar cane to nether warts. everyone often relies on russel for food supply, and he has therefore become the dictator of the server because of that.

server allies: the mob slayer, the builder

server enemies: the grinder, the griefer


play style: the grinder - ace, who likely doesn't spend much time on the server due to its location and the distance between him and the host lagging out the game for everyone, spends his time grinding for as much gear, treasure, and food as he can while he's online. this has affected the play style of everyone, as it often interferes with their activities directly.

server allies: the builder, the griefer

server enemies: the mob slayer, the farmer

(bonus) paula:

play style: doesn't understand the game at all and just plays it because there are cute baby animals - self explanatory. also likely relies on the help of others drastically while playing.

server allies: the builder, the farmer, the mob slayer, the grinder

server enemies: the griefer


okay yeah that's it. that was kinda cute lol hope u liked it. i gotta tend to my game now. see you soon

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