Adrian past :(

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Adrian is the adopted child of Alisa and Aki. He had two stepbrothers, the first son named Aaron while the second son named Adam. Adrian's life is different from other people's families. Both his mother and father hated him including his second brother. In Adrian's life, the only people who loved him were his grandfather and first brother. Adrian was always accused by his second brother and caused his father to always punish him. Adrian's stepfather's punishment is not the usual punishment that is always inflicted on other boys but worse than others for Adrian's age. Although Adrian is often punished by his father but Adrian is not a fool. Suddenly the school bell rang, 'KRING !!' Adrian woke up from a nightmare about his past and rushed to class. While walking to class Adrian saw an anklet stuck on a tree. "Hmm, I guess whose anklet is it?" without thinking long Adrian continued to pick up the anklet and walk towards the classroom. While studying the subject of history, a classmate noticed that Adrian was hiding something in his hands. Without hesitation he asked Adrian, "Whose anklet is that?" then Adrian replied, "I don't know, I'll take it"."You keep taking it without knowing who owns it? Listen, my mother said if we find someone's stuff, don't bring it because who knows, the stuff we took was damned. The mistake of that thing takes you to another world, I won't be responsible" replied Adrian sighed and replied "I don't care, it's better because I'm safe from the three members of hell". "All right but remember I already warned you". "yeah yeah whatever".

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