Part 21: The Mouse's Infiltration 2

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"Damn it! Why can't anything go the way I plan!" The alpha said furiously not realizing he was being listened in on. The others sat back and listened to what the tiny device was recording in live time.

"I tried so damn hard to get that stupid crown that possessed the power to control the werewolves only for the effort to go to waste." he said frustrated as he hit the wall.

"Well, we now know what he is looking for." Hoseok said as everyone nodded their heads and kept listening in.

"That bitch, I should have known not to listen to her! All she did was cause problems! If I had done it my way, I would have been in power! I would have been able to control the werewolves." He said in anger as he turned on the shower.

"What the hell is he talking about?" Yoongi said, sparking everyone's curiosity.

"Me too. Maybe if we listen longer we'll understand what he's talking about." Jin said as everyone nodded in agreement.

"I killed the entire royal family in order to get that damn power only for it to not be there! I should have known that they don't keep that shit in the open. Then my damn omega ran away to another pack to be claimed by someone else! I swear to god that I will find him and kill him once I get that damn crown!" The alpha said furiously and then stepped into the shower and shut the curtain.

     Everyone in the room sat in shock at the statement. No one knew exactly what had happened to the royal family, just that they had all passed away. Most packs respected the royal family so when they found out that they were dead, it came as a shock to all the werewolves as they were the ones that helped maintain the peace between the packs and made sure that everyone was equal and there was no discrimination. Only a fourth of the packs left still follow the rules that the royal family had and one of them happens to be the Crystal Blood pack. The rest and in pursuit of the power that the royal family had left behind.

After a couple of seconds Jungkook had snapped out of his shock and quickly pressed the button on the head set to proceed with the plan.

"Cuddles get out of there and proceed with the plan. Since he's in the shower you have about fifteen to twenty minutes to get the job done and out of that place. The bedroom is the closest to the bathroom so plant the device in that place next." The mouse quickly exited the bathroom and planted the device on the bottom of the bedside table where the alpha wouldn't see. Everyone else just sat in shock from what they previously heard as Jungkook quickly proceeded with the plan using the time that was granted to them.

"Got it!" The mouse squeaked waiting for Jungkook's next direction.

"Okay, now go to the war room and plant the device on the bottom of the table in the middle. That way they can't feel it." Jungkook directed and the mouse followed his orders as he quickly ran out of the bedroom, down the hall and into the war room. Thankfully the room was empty and the mouse was able to quickly plant the device in a place the won't be able to find.

"Done." The mouse said as he searched for his escape route.

"Good now get the hell out of there!" Jungkook replied and waited for the mouse's reply.

"On it." The mouse said and Jungkook lifted his hand from the button on the headset then looked at everyone else. From what he could tell, everyone was still in shock but he couldn't blame them. He was too, but he also knew that they were in the middle of a mission and if he didn't follow through right away, there was a good chance cuddles would have been caught in the process.

"I'm out of the pack house and on my way back. I'll be back on Crystal Blood pack territory in fifteen." The mouse updated not expecting a reply back. Jungkook took this as a sign to break the silence and let everyone know that the mission was a success.

"Guys, I know we're all in shock at the moment, but I just wanted to let you know that cuddles successfully planted all three devices and will be back on our territory in fifteen minutes." Jungkook said, grabbing everyone's attention.

"That's good, it will definitely be helpful in the future with what we just heard." Namjoon said, still shocked at the information.

"What do we do now? How do we fight against someone who successfully eliminated the royal family?" Taehyung said uneasy with the situation at hand.

"The only way we can. What he did is a treasonous crime against all werewolves and he has to be punished for it. The only way to do that would be to find that crown before he does and give him the most painful death possible for treason." Namjoon left the room after stating what needed to be done. 

"I guess this means we're breaking the treaty we have with the other packs." Jimin said, catching everyone's attention.

"Why would we have to break the treaty with the other packs? I'm sure if we explain the situation they would understand." Jungkook said with hope but the others Just shook their heads.

"I wish it was like that and yes maybe one or two packs may be willing to help us, but the others are dead set on not looking for the power that the royal family left behind. They believe that no one will be able to find that power except the next person to lead, so they are dead set on leaving it alone." Yoongi said, not sheltering the truth.

"Well then, I hope those packs stand with us. We'll need all the help we can get." Jungkook said and everyone nodded their heads in agreement. Jungkook then heard the mouse relay a message on the headset and quickly paid attention.

"I'm back on Crystal Blood pack territory. I should be back in about twenty minutes."

"Cuddles say's he's back on pack territory and will be here in about twenty minutes." Jungkook said and everyone let out a sigh of relief

"I'm glad he's okay. I'll prepare some mouse sized food for him as a reward for helping us out." Jin said with happiness, finally breaking the huge tension in the room as it made everyone burst out laughing. 


Authors Notes

Double update since I took so long. Thing's are about to start getting crazy so buckle up and don't forget to vote and comment!  

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