The Possession

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"Happy birthday Timmy!" Said the parents of a young seven year old child, as he opened his presents. As Timmy opens his gifts, the parents go off for a talk and leave Timmy alone, to open his gifts. A train set, some DVDs and an unusual doll, a puppet, controlled by strings. Unfortunately he loves it to pieces. The clock hits the seven o'clock mark, bed time for young Timmy, but what he doesn't know is that this night will be his night. At the eleventh hour and the eleventh minute, Timmy hears a strange noise, he wakes up to see a golden teddy bear, holding his precious doll. Timmy runs after the strange bear, but when he turns around, he sees his doll, but he looks different, he has purple tears, which Timmy never saw. As he runs to grab his precious doll, an arm grabs him and pulls him into the next room. On the floor, drawn in blood is a penticle (sign of the devil, star in a circle) Timmy is forced into the circle, and his doll is placed next to him. Timmy curls up into a ball, waiting for it to be over, and then he hears footsteps, Timmy looks up and sees the golden bear, walking up to him with a knife. The bear slits poor Timmy's throat with no hesitation. As Timmy takes his final breath, the bear starts uttering a ritual. When Timmy wakes up, he is the doll, he became... The Marrionette

The Marrionette by Luc ZimmerWhere stories live. Discover now