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Me: okay, so we all got off our bread highs

Nico: and I escaped with minimal bruises!

Me: Shut up, no one cares. So Kargo asked us a question...

Karg0: Wh4t? N0 1 d1dn't!

Me: He asked why I was so amazing...

Karg0: 1 n3v3r s41d th4t!

Me: And why my books were so perfect...

Karg0: L13s, l13s, 4ll 0f 1t l13s!

Me: Fine, fine. He actually asked:

If you could only eat one letter of the alphabet for the rest of your life, what shape would it be?

Me: Well, mine would be a sorta semi circle.

Kahlan: A circle.

Nico: Is a zig zag a shape?

Percy: Who cares, does it come in blue?

Me: Kargo also asked:

What happens when an irrestiable object meets an unstoppable force?

Me: So... when you and I meet? WAIT WAIT DELETE THAT

Nico: So, when immovable object meets unstoppable force?

Kahlan: Well, they would pass right through each other.

Will: They would.

Annabeth: Yah.

Percy: Um... I agree with Annabeth?

Kahlan: I doubt any of you came here for a science lesson, but the video Rose put in the media should explain things a little.

Karg0: W41t, wh4t d1d y0u s4y, R0s3?!?!


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