Kargo The Aggravating!

69 3 25

Me: No.

Percy: You have to.

Me: Please don't make me.

Kahlan: You don't even need to answer it yourself/

Me: I won't ask the ques- *phone ringing* *answers* YAY NEW QUESTION.

Nico: I don't get it.

Percy: Kargo asked Rose a question for this and it wasn't something she wanted to answer.

Nico: What was it?

Percy: "What was your most embarrassing crush?"

Nico: ...

Annabeth: ...

Alec: ...


Kahlan: Alright, so "what was the most ingenious invention of all time?"

Kargo: 5l1c3d br34d.

Me: Forget you, it was Wi-Fi.

Nico: Idk, idc

Me: Why do I put up with you?

Percy: We're your best friends. And my answer is bottled water.

Alec: Fire.

Kahlan: WHERE?!

Me: WHERE!?!

Kargo: WH3R3!?!?

Alec: No, guys, that was my answer-

Annabeth: Pyromaniacs. -/_-

Will: Bandages. Not only is that my answer, it's what I'm ordering on Amazon. We're running low and I have a feeling we're going to need a lot.

Isabelle: Weirdos.

Newt: The most ingenious invention WOULD have been a cure for the Flare, but obviously that never happened... :,(

Every Maze Runner fangirl EVER: Neeeewt!! *hugz*

Jace: My answer is weapons.

Me: Weirdo. But then again... who am I to say that?

Kahlan: Books are nice. I like books.

Magnus: Glitter. Glitter is love. Glitter is life.

Me: I agree 110% percent.

Erin: Rose, why do you have to go?

Me: *sigh* Annual month long vacation. I'll try to update a little, but don't get any hopes up.

Emme: NOOOO you left off on such a cliff hanger!!!

Me: Not really...

Piper: Well, I have to go, so...

Me: Are you trying to cut this short?!

Kargo: Y4h. L3t'5.

Me: Whyyyyyy-

-This program has been cut by the Fictional Character Association. Stay tuned for more Q/A, but first we need legitimate questions. That are not from Kargo. That wouldn't make us spill our darkest secrets. Thank you-

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