Where the Sun and Moon touch

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Upon the deepest of the voids there was a small grove of trees with a moon and a sun both in the sky at the same time, not one over powering the other. The rulers of these celestial bodies were sisters, twins in fact. They were both given dominion over their own realms, but the grove was a sanctuary, neutral ground between the two. This respresented their scale, one never outshining the other.
However, the sisters did not like each other. The matriarch of the moon was calm and serene, but also seemed cold and distant. The one of the sun was warmer and more welcoming, but also had a fiery temper and was rather jealous of her sister. So once the creator of the two left, they waged war on each other, devastating the grove and all that resided inside of it. The sanctuaries earth scorched, the trees burning but never dying. The animals forever frozen by the moon by the crossfire.
The once cherished place of peace became a war scarred world of destruction and chaos.
The only thing left was a single blue dahlia, who did not give in to the fiery rage of Soltera, the sun or the cold devastation of Lunis, the moon. It remained untouched, at the heart of the grove. Until finally, the flames of the nearby trees began to seep into its roots. For a long time, the flower silently regrew new roots as the flames destroyed the old, forever in a continuous cycle of death and rebirth. As the roots drove deeper into the earth, it began to pull from the power that made the sun and moon of that world. It traveled up the roots, and out from the petals like droplets. And for the first time in a millenia, it rained. The nectar rained on the frozen animals, restoring them. However, they no longer lived, but instead were spirits. The trees also, became ghostly apparitions of their burning selves. And the sisters, now having nothing more to destroy, retreated to their own courts, deciding that one was never to be stronger than the other.
Over time, these animals began crossing the void and into different worlds. The smaller creatures becoming guides, the medium creatures comforting adventurers, and the large ones becoming guardians. But still, they all originate from the ever burning realm called the Sanctuary that lies on the edge of the Void, and where the moon and the suns courts touch. And in the middle of the sanctuary lies a large blue dahlia, with golden nectar ever dripping from its petals, restoring itself as the fire forever continues to eat at its roots in a vicious cycle of rebirth.

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