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Some things to know about characters-
* All the BTS members are of same age. They all are 24.
* Though all members are mentioned but besides TaeJin only Jimin and Yoongi will appear more.
* Taehyung has Jimin and hobi as his friend. While Jin has Namjoon, Yoongi and jungkook.

At Taehyung's house:

Taehyung came and slammed the door shut hard making jimin flinch and abruptly sit up who was in Tae's room, lying down in bed and scrolling on his phone.

"Jeez! Do you want me to die from heart attack?" Jimin asked putting his palm on his chest trying to calm his heart.

"Sorry!" Taehyung said but he didn't sound apologetic. Just angry.

Jimin furrow his brows in confusion, put his phone on bed and came closer to Taehyung who was sitting on one of the couch in room.

"What happened?" Jimin asked Taehyung, concern visible in his voice.

"I never thought they will do this to me." Taehyung said calmly but his fist were visibly shaking showing how angry he is.

Jimin has a hunch what Taehyung is talking about.

"You know that you made them like this, right?" Jimin asked him accusingly.

Taehyung glared at him, "I just wanted to make them happy and luckily whatever they want me to do, it was always what I wanted too. I don't want to be a brat for no reason."

"But that's the reason, you never said no to them. Even if there were time when you weren't happy with their decision but you let it go. Always obey them."

"They are my parents Jimin."

"I know Tae. But..." Jimin sighed, "They can't be always right."

Taehyung's shoulders slumped and he sighed, "You are right. But it's too late now. I am even getting married with their college buddie's son tomorrow. THAT BALD OLD MAN! UGHH!!"

Jimin know he shouldn't but he couldn't stop himself and he laughed at Taehyung's outburst.

In return he got a pillow thrown at him from Taehyung.

"Mom and dad, I know you will always want nice for me. I believe in your choice. I will marry to whoever you decide with. I don't need to see his pic." Jimin mimicked Taehyung's voice and laughed.

"I was angry." Taehyung whined, "I was angry that how can they decide my marriage without asking me."

"It wasn't decided. They were giving you the chance." Jimin pointed out the fact.

Taehyung rolled his eyes, "Bold of you to think that if I would have said no, they would have agreed."

"Maybe. Maybe not." Jimin shrugged, "Atleast you should have seen the pic. Atlast what you got huh?"

"An old looking bald man as my husband who is surprisingly only 24 but look 50. LIKE WHO THE HELL EVEN GET BALD WHEN THEY ARE JUST 24?! JUST 24?! HE EVEN HAS WRINKLES! OH MY GOD! WHY CAN'T I JUST DIE BEFORE MARRYING HIM?!" Taehyung bursted out like thousandth time in just two months after his wedding got fixed.

Jimin laughed again, making Taehyung pissed, and this time instead of hitting him with a pillow Taehyung actually slapped him hard on his arm.

That still didn't stopped Jimin from laughing though.

"Please Taehyung it's always funny to remember your face when you actually saw your soon-to-be husband pic. God! It was a sight to behold. You were literally fuming." Jimin said laughing.

ONE NIGHT [TaeJin] ✓Where stories live. Discover now