One Night

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"Why are we going to this hotel?" Taehyung whispered in Jin's ear.

"Why? Something wrong?"

"Yeah! I mean we can go to some five star hotel too, right? I have money so that won't be the problem." Taehyung innocently tried to assure Jin.

Seokjin laughed fondly, "Tae, I'm a CEO too, remember? I also have money but this hotel is low profile. A little dirty but will do. We can't go in big hotels just to increase the risk of people recognizing us, right?"

"Oh! Yes, I didn't think about that."

Seokjin smiled and took Taehyung inside the hotel. They both had masks on. Jin booked a room for them while Taehyung looked all around gulping and restless.

After getting their room key they walked towards it. Both in their own thoughts.

Seokjin doesn't know why he agreed. He still feel awful to do this but at the same time he don't. The feeling he felt after seeing that man's hands on Taehyung's butt, he can do anything to not feel that again.

Even if it's this.

Leaving Taehyung with some stranger didn't fit right with him even though he had just met him now.

Besides Taehyung is hot. Most attractive man he has ever seen. Jin admit to himself that he got attracted to Taehyung in first glance, and so how bad it will be if he give into his desires for once?

While Taehyung on the other hand was nervous. He did planned to do all this but still...Jin has warned him that he is a virgin too and asked if it's ok for him, ofcourse Taehyung said yes. More than experience he need comfortness right now. Also knowing that Jin is as inexperience as him is a relief.

When they entered inside the room, Taehyung told Jin that he wanna take a shower, just to buy a time. Ofcourse he didn't told Jin the main reason he just said he wanna shower and Jin let him be.

Since he came prepared for this so he even has clothes to change, so he took them and went inside the bathroom.

When Taehyung was gone Jin looked around the room, sighing. He has many thoughts inside him right now but the most prevalent one is that he wants to make this night special for Taehyung.

So, he made a call to the reception, requested for some things and waited.

In next 3 minutes he got all what he wanted. He placed candles all around the room, decorated the room with rose petals, sprayed rose and strawberry scent all over the room, switched off the lights and lit up the candles.

Then he looked at his work and smiled satisfied.

Seokjin was glad that Taehyung took this much time in bathroom, so that he was able to do all this.

While Taehyung was inside, biting his lips in nervousness and he also doesn't wanted to go out. But after thousands of pep talk to himself he finally came out...

With just a towel wrapped around his hips.

First he shrieked, "Sorry! I came in wrong room. I didn't mean to- Wait! I came from bathroom." he talked more to himself looking around the room which doesn't look like theirs.

"Taehyung-ah, you are in right room." Jin said laughing.

"But this?"

"I did."


Jin hummed, "Isn't it nice?"

"Yeah! But why all this?"

"Wanted to make this night special for you." Jin whispered distracted because finally he took a clear look of Taehyung and he malfunctioned.

Taehyung just had towel wrapped around his hips. His miles of tan skin on display. Hair wet and few water drops on his shoulder, shining in candle's light. Jin can see his feet and knees and he wanted to see more.

ONE NIGHT [TaeJin] ✓Where stories live. Discover now