Duets, Eye Rolls, and Not-Really-Dates

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I make my way to Music class, and I see that Jake is already there. He gives me the stink eye, and continues talking to Nathan. I realized that they have become really close since my kiss with Nathan, it's weird.  Anyway,  I sit down at my usual seat next to Annabelle. She greets me with a smile.

I look at her and say, " What?" She looks back at me.

"What do you mean, what? Nathan Meyers kissed you! You've wanted this since on first grade he said that you were pretty, right? "

"Well, I just wanted us to be friends not for him to kiss me l, but in 9th grade I wanted him to kiss me..."

"Don't get all technical with me, Abby," Annabelle rolls her eyes, " anyway, how was it?"

"Amazing. He's such a good kisser,  his lips were so soft!"


"He was gentle and a bit rough at the same time. "

" Abby."

"But, I just kind of wish it was real, and wasn't just for the play."

"Abby!" Annabelle screams my name this time, causing me to get really annoyed.

"What?!" I reply.

"Look behind you."

I slowly turn to see what could have her so turned up and I see Nathan smirking at me as he says, "Are my lips really that soft, or are you just messing with me?"

I look at him, feeling myself turn red.

"Uh..." I reply. 

" The reason I came here was to ask you if we could go to that fancy restaurant around the corner, and, uh, practice our lines together? If you don't want to, it's okay, but it's going to be a double date with my friend and his friend that's a girl" his cheeks flush as he realizes what he's saying, " Uh, it won't be a date, we'll just be two friends hanging out..."

"I would love to go on a not-really-date with you." I reply back looking in his eyes.

His face lights up and he smiles at me, while I blush, and it goes on like that until,..

"Mr. Meyers, I would suggest you sitting down right now, unless you want to stand up all class period."

"Yes, sir." Nathan says to Mr. Colt and then heads over to his seat, but not before giving me a wink.

"It's official," Annabelle whispers to me, "you tell me every single detail that happens."

I try my best to hold back a smile, but I can't. It's too hard, and I'm too happy.

"Get with you're duet partners, now." Mr. Colt says.

I'm not happy anymore.

I walk over to Jake and say, "I'm your partner sooo, I'm here."

He rolls his eyes at me and says, "Let's get this over with."

I was taken aback, but to make sure I don't say anything I purse my lips together.

"Okay, your song will be," Mr.Colt says, as he gets to where Jake and I are sitting, " a new song by Taylor Swift, called Style." Mr, Colt doesn't look at our reaction, he just gives us the lyrics and instructions and walks away.

 I look over the lyrics and look back up at Jake and look back at the lyrics again. Uh, there has to be something wrong with this.

"One of your partners should get up and get a computer to listen to the song on. After you are done, figure out how you are going to change the lyrics to make it into a duet. Most of you have Taylor Swift songs which are written in a female's point of view. If you have the song Love Story and you're the guy you can say 'I was Romeo and I was throwing pebbles and your daddy said 'Stay away from Juliet!' ' or something like that.

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