Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Ross's P.O.V. I dont care how young we are and dont care how long it will take but im gonna marry her. I thought to myself as I walked to the jewellery store. I've only known her 2 days but yet it feel like I've know her my whole life. We can have a long engagement like 3 years but I dont care how long I want to marry her. And who knows our parents may let us get married in 2 years when im 19 and she is 17. Its gonna be perfect a huge blow out of a wedding. I looked at the rings and there was this perfect medium size pink diamond with tiny little blue diamonds around it. I bought it and put it in my pocket. Im gonna prepose during the concert tonight. I walked back to Hollister and found Tori-Beth looking at this really pretty neon blue dress and I walked up behind her and said "you should let me buy that for you babe, it will look great tonight at the concert."Yeah it would" she said grabbing the dress in her size. "You pick out anything you want babe" I said. She grabbed 3 pairs of shorts, another dress, 1 Hollister t-shirt, 1 hoodie, 2 tube tops, a pair of vans, a pair of flip flops, and 4 bikinis. "Ar you sure this isn't to much" she said. "Heck no babe its just perfect" I said with a wink. She blushed and we walked out of the mall and went though the Starbucks drive-thu. We got caramel lattes and an extra for Hanna who we were about to pick up. We drove to the hotel and picked up Hanna, she had her suitcase and Tori-Beth's suit case were they would have something to wear. I helped her with the bags. Then drove to the air port to pick up the band. Riker was meeting us there with the van then we were going to my house to visit and get ready for the concert. Ryland and Hana seemed to really hit it off. By the time we got to my house they were holding hands. We walked in and Tori-Beth said "Im gonna get changed". "Ok babe" I said and kissed her quickly. I motioned for every one to come to the dining room. "Tori-Beth said she would preform with me tonight and I am gonna surprise her" I said. "Whats the surprise" Rydel said. "Im gonna prepose right there on stage, I dont care how young we are we can wait, I dont care that I've only know her for 2days I'm in love and I'm gonna marry her" I said. Riker looked at me strangely "dont you think you moving a little to fast there little bro". "No I think now is a perfect time, and I know it sounds crazy but I've made my mind up" I said showing the ring to everyone. "Well I'm proud of ya bro" Rocky said and high fived me. "I know yall were a match made in heaven, now if we can just get the parents on board we could be looking at a lovely summer beach wedding this summer I will plan and take care of everything" Rydel said.

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