the sleepover

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On the next day we had no school. I used this day to get to know the others better. In the evening we had our sleepover. I was very nervous because i never had a sleepover. 

Mina came to my room

,,Hey are you ready~?''

,,Yeah wait a sec''

,,Come to my room when you are ready''

,,ok ''

I changed into my pyjama and went to her room.

Before I opened the room  i sighed because i was very nervous.Then suddenly I heard someone.

,,Hey you are here too?''

I jumped because I didn't know that he was there.

,,Y-yeah ''

,,k cool should we go inside?''

,,oh s-sure''

I slowly opened the door and saw that all other were there.

,,Are we late?''

,,No no you are not late''Mina said and smirked.

Sero suggested that we could play truth or dare.

All of us said yes.

Mina started

,,Kirishima truth or dare''


,,Ok  who do you like bakugo or denki''

,,I'm sorry bro but bakugo...........ok denki truth or dare''          (i'm a kiribaku shipper)

,,ouch..... ok ehhm dare''

,,hehe ok you must spin the bottle and kiss the person it lands on''

Denki spinned the bottle and then it landed

'Oh no why me omg i can't'

And then I just felt warm lips on your lips.

I just pretended it never happened.

,,Ehhmm ok (Y/N) truth or dare''


,,Sing a song''

'Why did I choosed dare'

,,Ehhm ok'' then you started to sing.

(if you can't sing pretend like you can because this is not the only time you will sing ;))

When you were done you just saw shooked faces.

,,W-was it t-that bad?''


,,uhm ok thanks i guess''

,,wow you are so good''

After truth or dare you all went to sleep but I could'nt stop thinking about denki i mean HE KISSED ME.


I must sleep now.

On the next morning i got up and saw that nobody else was awake so I used the chance to quickly go to my room.

I changed because today was school and I don't want to be late.


353 words 

hi sorry that I didn't post for a long time actually I was to sad because of aot.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2021 ⏰

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