Do It...?

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(Note: includes struggles with sexual immorality, please don't read if you struggle with this yourself etc. )

Kastel was texting a guy friend who she liked a lot. His name is Dan.

The two started texting ever since Dan moved away, to another country. It seemed pretty normal until Dan started to like Kastel. But not in the same way she liked him.

He'd ask seemingly innocent questions, but Kastel's conscience was disturbed inside her.

'There's something wrong here, but I don't know what. Lord Jesus, what's wrong with Dan's questions?' she thought.

As the conversation went on, Kastel suddenly texted, amongst all of Dan's requests —

I don't feel this is right. I'm sorry, but I don't feel comfortable doing this.


He replies with —

Really? It seemed as if you were enjoying it lol but okay

'Was I? Jesus, please forgive me if I was enjoying this... I repent in Your name.'

Again her crush says —

You know, I really want you

Do you want...

'WHAT — NO!' Kastel thought. 'I like you as a crush, for your personality, sure you're handsome, but that's bow what matters!'

A part of her strongly wanted to do as Jesus says, and the Holy Spirit was screaming at her not to do it.

But deep down, she unfortunately felt the same way as Dan, wanting to do 'it' over text.

'Jesus, please give me the strength to overcome this, and please forgive me for feeling this way and having these thoughts.'

Again her crush says —

Well? You don't have to, but I would love to do it  —

"NO!" Kastel shouted, ignoring the rest of the text . "Nonononono!! I won't let this go on for longer!!"

She texts —

Look Dan, I don't want to talk and do these kind of things anymore. I want to do as Jesus says, which is to be sexually pure. Please understand that.


He says —

Please, just this once for me? I will stop if you don't want it, but please? I promise, no more after this.

Kastel quickly types out —

Dan, no. I want to not do this at all. Please stop pleading with me, or else I will stop talking to you.

— You don't really mean that

Yes I do Dan, now unless you stop, I'll leave the conversation. I'm deleting it anyway, I don't want to see it.

She indeed goes to the settings and deletes the conversation. The first text being —

Fine then. Guess you really don't like me that way.

Of course not, as I said, you're my friend, and I like you for your personality, not for what pleasure I can get.

Dan hasn't replied at all yet. He's seen the message though.

Kastel suddenly pleads internally, 'Lord Jesus, help me to stay strong and to not go back on what I've done. Help me on honouring You, please...!'

A text appears on screen.

... I'm sorry Kastel. Let's talk about something else then?

Yeah, please. I forgive you

'Thank You Lord for getting me out of that situation. Thank You, thank You...
um, Jesus? Please forgive me again for this conversation. I repent in Your name.
Help me to be a holy person and to lead people to You, not away.'

(All glory to God,

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