What's The Point?

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Liz lay awake at night, drenched in sweat. Her mind was filled by this one question — What's the point?

No matter how hard she tried, whether it be on her spiritual walk, or in her daily life, it all seemed a drag to her.

Where did that passion for Christ go? Where did I go wrong... Oh well, no use, I keep sinning anyway. How will I ever be able to obey God's commandments like this?
Nevermind, I can't do it. God, why did you choose me?

She lay there in the dark, the depression setting in from the source of her hopelessness. She tried to ignore the aching feeling in her heart, knowing that she can't do anything, seemingly after hours and days and weeks of prayer and hard work.

It went away in a flash... Never to be gained again. All those lessons I learn with God? I've forgotten so so many of them...

Suddenly, words from the Bible invaded Liz's mind, even if it wasn't word for word, or even Biblical phrases —

"You will have troubles in this world..."

"Be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world"

"I will wait upon the Lord all the day long..."

"I will put my hope in the Lord"

"Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord"

"For the joy set before Him, He endured the cross..."

Jesus, please help me. Please give me more faith in You and who You are, and I rest in You.

Slowly, with the pain in her heart wearing her down, her prayer formed clumsily.

Please forgive me for giving up on You, when You never give up on me. I repent in Your name...

Remembering that along with repentance comes thanksgiving and worship, she said these words —

Please lead me. I worship You for Your strength and endurance, Your wisdom and trustworthiness. And as well, for the endless hope You bring.

Though Liz didn't quite believe in these words fully, she hoped, even a tiny bit. That her hopes are true.

Help me to see the way You see.

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