Chapter 1-(Safina's warning)

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Usually, Rashida is tough and smart, and it's hard for her to get lied to. However, this day was different. The big dreams she had, controlled her like nothing else; she would do anything for her children's education.

"Well that's a yes from me," she said as she stared at Mrs. Tallstar. With all the excitement in the situation, Mrs. Tallstar had a different opinion. She was very beautiful and had dark charcoal-like hair, fat lips, and a big gap between her teeth. She would always say "I love it that I have a diastema, it makes me feel special".

Mrs. Tallstar gave a few special winks to Rashida, though Rashida ignored them over the excitement. Subirah and Raya have always wanted to go to proper school too, but their mother couldn't afford it.

"And, where is this big school at?" Mrs. Tallstar finally manages to ask. Honestly, it makes zero sense for a man to randomly pop out of nowhere and offer to take them to school for free, and ignore his excitement to take the girls with him.

"Well, don't you worry madam, it's in the city, a neighboring city," said the random man, playing with his cap. First of all, he didn't even look like someone important, he looked as if he couldn't afford his own meal, then how can he afford to pay someone else's school tuition. That's exactly what Rashida never understood, she thought she shouldn't judge by the look of people.

"Listen, Rashida," Safina whispered, also known as Mrs.Tallstar. "We're just going to talk over it, we'll let you know what we've decided tomorrow." She said aloud to the man.

Rashida sighed. "ok, I guess we're talking over it". The two girls looked at one another, it was all too exciting, was this all happening to them for real, or were they in a dream? Rashida opened the door to her house, just when the man called after her.

"Excuse me, ma'am, you have only ten minutes to decide, max". Safina ignored the call and went in as fast as she could. "Listen, I think you should ask more about this school, and how are they going to manage to go to the city every morning, it's too far!" she said. "and you saw that man, he doesn't look one bit right to me, I think he is just lying or something"

Rashida gave another sigh. "Well, I think everything's going to be all right, plus it's our only chance, the poor girls have to get proper education, so they don't turn out like me, I can't even read the newspaper, just let them go, what could go wrong?"

Soon, the girls were saying their goodbyes to Rashida and Safina. At first, Rashida was excited. After a few stares Safina has been giving her, She really wasn't sure about why Safina is so worried, and not sure about what she's doing either.

"Well, won't they need anything?" Safina Tallstar asked. The man had an old looking backpack on his back. "and what's that backpack for, are you going to study with them or something?"

"No, it just has water and some food, the city is a bit far, I get hungry at times," The man said turning around to leave.

"Bye mom," Subirah and Raya said at the same time, walking and waving at their mom and neighbor.

"Listen, I'm sorry I made you nervous, I guess it's OK for the girls to study, at least learn something" Safina apologised.

Meanwhile, the girls walked and walked, they had nothing with them, not even food or water.

Approximately an hour and a half later they were there. "Well, is this the city?" asked Raya. "well, it must be" said Subirah.

"Is this the school, it looks too old style, even our house looks better, but perhaps they have good studies".

The girls could hear their hearts beating. It was a strange place, but there were no kids at all. Only old lady's walking by. One of them stops and greets them. "Hey girls, So happy you.." but before she could finish the sentence, the man had a word with her, they were whispering and after every two words, the women would stare at the girls and grin.

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