chapter 16

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Lunch was great! Everyone was not too full, which meant they could fit in a bite of some sort of sweet.

"Ok, Subirah have you thought of what you want to get today after dessert?" asked Maya.

"She's getting presents for me out of her own pocket money" Joked Jace. "Maybe.." said Subirah.

Just then, a little toddler turned up at their table, a cute chubby boy, with tom sawyer like overalls.

He barely knew how to walk, as he kept toppling over a every second step. For some reason, there was no guardian looking after him, or at least following him at that time.

He looked at Subirah, and smiled. Subirah smiled back. "Hello, are you lost, baby?" asked Maya looking at him admiringly.

"Subirah looked around her at the other tables. She couldn't see anyone who had their eyes on the toddler, but she sudddenly froze when she spotted the same arab man sitting on a far enough table staring at her, when he saw that she was staring at him, he signalled for her to come to him.

Subirah moved her eyes away from his smiling face, he looked nice, but it was definitely creepy to be starred at.

"Kunafa madam" came aother wqaitress, she setteled the kunafa on the table, it was golden from the outside, and it looked inviting.

"Excuse me, this we just found this toddler and we have no Idea where he's are..and cute! he wants a bite! here!" said Maya.

The waitress looked at Maya. "Yes, can you just, please find his parents, he might be lost" she said.

"I think his name's oliver" guessed Subirah. "What makes you say that?" asked Jace. "I don't know, but i think he looks like some one Oliver" she said.

"Hello, womio! whewe have you been darling!" said a female behind Maya. "Oh, I think might be your child" said Maya.

"Yes, he is, thankyou so much for keeping an eye on him, you know what?" her tone suddenly changed.

"You just won yourselves a thousand dollar gift voucher to spend at this mall only though!" said the woman.

"No, it's um..fine we loved him, he was being a nice boy!" said Jace, giving Maya special stares that spoke louder than words, 'Do not take any voucher!'.

"No, You won the vouchers fair and square!" said the lady. "What..what what's she saying, somebody explain!" Maya held her head in her hands.

A camera crew emerged from no where, and all the camera's were suddenly at their table, and then a guy with a microphone appeared along.

"Good afternoon lady, what should I call you?' he spoke in the direction to the camera while the microphone was pointing towards Maya.


"Aright Maya, you're on tv! you were on the famous program....drum role please.." said the man.

"Stranger Danger!" said the camera crew all together. "But, we'll have to be honest, you got us good, you were supposed to trick that boy and kidnap him or something, but you were sensible, well not enough anyway!" said the man.

"any way, I loved how you were confused to see him, and well his mother was literally right behind you the entire time, like we were sitting there waiting for a reaction, but no we had to come to you! good one!" he said.

Maya was shocked, it was what she least expected, she thought he was just lost. She still had a couple of questions but figured she would look stupid on tv, she already looked stupid enough.

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